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Cache overview

Added in v1.0.0

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Returns whether a value associated with the specified key exists in the cache.


export declare const contains: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, never, boolean>
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>) => Effect.Effect<never, never, boolean>

Added in v1.0.0


Returns statistics for the specified entry.


export declare const entryStats: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key): Effect.Effect<
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(
    self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>
  ) => Effect.Effect<never, never, Option.Option<EntryStats.EntryStats>>

Added in v1.0.0


Retrieves the value associated with the specified key if it exists. Otherwise computes the value with the lookup function, puts it in the cache, and returns it.


export declare const get: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, Error, Value>
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, Value>

Added in v1.0.0


Invalidates the value associated with the specified key.


export declare const invalidate: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, never, void>
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>) => Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

Added in v1.0.0


Invalidates all values in the cache.


export declare const invalidateAll: <Key, Error, Value>(
  self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>
) => Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

Added in v1.0.0


Computes the value associated with the specified key, with the lookup function, and puts it in the cache. The difference between this and get method is that refresh triggers (re)computation of the value without invalidating it in the cache, so any request to the associated key can still be served while the value is being re-computed/retrieved by the lookup function. Additionally, refresh always triggers the lookup function, disregarding the last Error.


export declare const refresh: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, Error, void>
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, void>

Added in v1.0.0


Associates the specified value with the specified key in the cache.


export declare const set: {
  <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, key: Key, value: Value): Effect.Effect<never, never, void>
  <Key>(key: Key): <Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>, value: Value) => Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

Added in v1.0.0



Constructs a new cache with the specified capacity, time to live, and lookup function.


export declare const make: <Key, Environment, Error, Value>(
  capacity: number,
  timeToLive: Duration.Duration,
  lookup: any
) => Effect.Effect<Environment, never, Cache<Key, Error, Value>>

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a new cache with the specified capacity, time to live, and lookup function, where the time to live can depend on the Exit value returned by the lookup function.


export declare const makeWith: <Key, Environment, Error, Value>(
  capacity: number,
  lookup: any,
  timeToLive: (exit: Exit.Exit<Error, Value>) => Duration.Duration
) => Effect.Effect<Environment, never, Cache<Key, Error, Value>>

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a new cache with the specified capacity, time to live, and lookup function, where the time to live can depend on the Exit value returned by the lookup function.

This variant also allows specifying a custom keying function that will be used to to convert the input of the lookup function into the key in the underlying cache. This can be useful when the input to the lookup function is large and you do not want to store it in the cache.


export declare const makeWithKey: <Input, Key, Environment, Error, Value>(
  capacity: number,
  lookup: any,
  timeToLive: (exit: Exit.Exit<Error, Value>) => Duration.Duration,
  keyBy: (input: Input) => Key
) => Effect.Effect<Environment, never, Cache<Input, Error, Value>>

Added in v1.0.0



Returns statistics for this cache.


export declare const cacheStats: <Key, Error, Value>(
  self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>
) => Effect.Effect<never, never, CacheStats.CacheStats>

Added in v1.0.0


Returns the approximate number of values in the cache.


export declare const size: <Key, Error, Value>(self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>) => Effect.Effect<never, never, number>

Added in v1.0.0


Returns an approximation of the values in the cache.


export declare const values: <Key, Error, Value>(
  self: Cache<Key, Error, Value>
) => Effect.Effect<never, never, Chunk.Chunk<Value>>

Added in v1.0.0


Cache (interface)

A Cache is defined in terms of a lookup function that, given a key of type Key, can either fail with an error of type Error or succeed with a value of type Value. Getting a value from the cache will either return the previous result of the lookup function if it is available or else compute a new result with the lookup function, put it in the cache, and return it.

A cache also has a specified capacity and time to live. When the cache is at capacity the least recently accessed values in the cache will be removed to make room for new values. Getting a value with a life older than the specified time to live will result in a new value being computed with the lookup function and returned when available.

The cache is safe for concurrent access. If multiple fibers attempt to get the same key the lookup function will only be computed once and the result will be returned to all fibers.


export interface Cache<Key, Error, Value> extends Cache.Variance<Key, Error, Value> {
   * Returns statistics for this cache.
  cacheStats(): Effect.Effect<never, never, CacheStats.CacheStats>

   * Returns whether a value associated with the specified key exists in the
   * cache.
  contains(key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, never, boolean>

   * Returns statistics for the specified entry.
  entryStats(key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, never, Option.Option<EntryStats.EntryStats>>

   * Retrieves the value associated with the specified key if it exists.
   * Otherwise computes the value with the lookup function, puts it in the
   * cache, and returns it.
  get(key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, Error, Value>

   * Invalidates the value associated with the specified key.
  invalidate(key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

   * Invalidates all values in the cache.
  invalidateAll(): Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

   * Computes the value associated with the specified key, with the lookup
   * function, and puts it in the cache. The difference between this and
   * `get` method is that `refresh` triggers (re)computation of the value
   * without invalidating it in the cache, so any request to the associated
   * key can still be served while the value is being re-computed/retrieved
   * by the lookup function. Additionally, `refresh` always triggers the
   * lookup function, disregarding the last `Error`.
  refresh(key: Key): Effect.Effect<never, Error, void>

   * Associates the specified value with the specified key in the cache.
  set(key: Key, value: Value): Effect.Effect<never, never, void>

   * Returns the approximate number of values in the cache.
  size(): Effect.Effect<never, never, number>

   * Returns an approximation of the values in the cache.
  values(): Effect.Effect<never, never, Chunk.Chunk<Value>>

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const CacheTypeId: typeof CacheTypeId

Added in v1.0.0

CacheTypeId (type alias)


export type CacheTypeId = typeof CacheTypeId

Added in v1.0.0