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FileSystem overview

Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents




export declare const FileDescriptor: Brand.Brand.Constructor<File.Descriptor>

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const make: (
  impl: Omit<FileSystem, "exists" | "readFileString" | "stream" | "sink" | "writeFileString">
) => FileSystem

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const isFile: (u: unknown) => u is File

Added in v1.0.0


File (interface)


export interface File {
  readonly [FileTypeId]: FileTypeId
  readonly fd: File.Descriptor
  readonly stat: Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, File.Info>
  readonly seek: (offset: SizeInput, from: SeekMode) => Effect.Effect<never, never, void>
  readonly read: (buffer: Uint8Array) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, Size>
  readonly readAlloc: (size: SizeInput) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, Option<Uint8Array>>
  readonly truncate: (length?: SizeInput) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
  readonly write: (buffer: Uint8Array) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, Size>
  readonly writeAll: (buffer: Uint8Array) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>

Added in v1.0.0

FileSystem (interface)


export interface FileSystem {
   * Check if a file can be accessed.
   * You can optionally specify the level of access to check for.
  readonly access: (path: string, options?: AccessFileOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Copy a file or directory from `fromPath` to `toPath`.
   * Equivalent to `cp -r`.
  readonly copy: (fromPath: string, toPath: string, options?: CopyOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Copy a file from `fromPath` to `toPath`.
  readonly copyFile: (fromPath: string, toPath: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Change the permissions of a file.
  readonly chmod: (path: string, mode: number) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Change the owner and group of a file.
  readonly chown: (path: string, uid: number, gid: number) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Check if a path exists.
  readonly exists: (path: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, boolean>
   * Create a hard link from `fromPath` to `toPath`.
  readonly link: (fromPath: string, toPath: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Create a directory at `path`. You can optionally specify the mode and
   * whether to recursively create nested directories.
  readonly makeDirectory: (path: string, options?: MakeDirectoryOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Create a temporary directory.
   * By default the directory will be created inside the system's default
   * temporary directory, but you can specify a different location by setting
   * the `directory` option.
   * You can also specify a prefix for the directory name by setting the
   * `prefix` option.
  readonly makeTempDirectory: (options?: MakeTempDirectoryOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, string>
   * Create a temporary directory inside a scope.
   * Functionally equivalent to `makeTempDirectory`, but the directory will be
   * automatically deleted when the scope is closed.
  readonly makeTempDirectoryScoped: (options?: MakeTempDirectoryOptions) => Effect.Effect<Scope, PlatformError, string>
   * Create a temporary file.
   * The directory creation is functionally equivalent to `makeTempDirectory`.
   * The file name will be a randomly generated string.
  readonly makeTempFile: (options?: MakeTempFileOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, string>
   * Create a temporary file inside a scope.
   * Functionally equivalent to `makeTempFile`, but the file will be
   * automatically deleted when the scope is closed.
  readonly makeTempFileScoped: (options?: MakeTempFileOptions) => Effect.Effect<Scope, PlatformError, string>
   * Open a file at `path` with the specified `options`.
   * The file handle will be automatically closed when the scope is closed.
  readonly open: (path: string, options?: OpenFileOptions) => Effect.Effect<Scope, PlatformError, File>
   * List the contents of a directory.
   * You can recursively list the contents of nested directories by setting the
   * `recursive` option.
  readonly readDirectory: (
    path: string,
    options?: ReadDirectoryOptions
  ) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, ReadonlyArray<string>>
   * Read the contents of a file.
  readonly readFile: (path: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, Uint8Array>
   * Read the contents of a file.
  readonly readFileString: (path: string, encoding?: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, string>
   * Read the destination of a symbolic link.
  readonly readLink: (path: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, string>
   * Resolve a path to its canonicalized absolute pathname.
  readonly realPath: (path: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, string>
   * Remove a file or directory.
   * By setting the `recursive` option to `true`, you can recursively remove
   * nested directories.
  readonly remove: (path: string, options?: RemoveOptions) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Rename a file or directory.
  readonly rename: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Create a writable `Sink` for the specified `path`.
  readonly sink: (path: string, options?: SinkOptions) => Sink<never, PlatformError, Uint8Array, never, void>
   * Get information about a file at `path`.
  readonly stat: (path: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, File.Info>
   * Create a readable `Stream` for the specified `path`.
   * Changing the `bufferSize` option will change the internal buffer size of
   * the stream. It defaults to `4`.
   * The `chunkSize` option will change the size of the chunks emitted by the
   * stream. It defaults to 64kb.
   * Changing `offset` and `bytesToRead` will change the offset and the number
   * of bytes to read from the file.
  readonly stream: (path: string, options?: StreamOptions) => Stream<never, PlatformError, Uint8Array>
   * Create a symbolic link from `fromPath` to `toPath`.
  readonly symlink: (fromPath: string, toPath: string) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Truncate a file to a specified length. If the `length` is not specified,
   * the file will be truncated to length `0`.
  readonly truncate: (path: string, length?: SizeInput) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Change the file system timestamps of the file at `path`.
  readonly utimes: (
    path: string,
    atime: Date | number,
    mtime: Date | number
  ) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Write data to a file at `path`.
  readonly writeFile: (
    path: string,
    data: Uint8Array,
    options?: WriteFileOptions
  ) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>
   * Write a string to a file at `path`.
  readonly writeFileString: (
    path: string,
    data: string,
    options?: WriteFileStringOptions
  ) => Effect.Effect<never, PlatformError, void>

Added in v1.0.0

OpenFlag (type alias)


export type OpenFlag = "r" | "r+" | "w" | "wx" | "w+" | "wx+" | "a" | "ax" | "a+" | "ax+"

Added in v1.0.0

SeekMode (type alias)


export type SeekMode = "start" | "current"

Added in v1.0.0


AccessFileOptions (interface)


export interface AccessFileOptions {
  readonly ok?: boolean
  readonly readable?: boolean
  readonly writable?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

CopyOptions (interface)


export interface CopyOptions {
  readonly overwrite?: boolean
  readonly preserveTimestamps?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

MakeDirectoryOptions (interface)


export interface MakeDirectoryOptions {
  readonly recursive?: boolean
  readonly mode?: number

Added in v1.0.0

MakeTempDirectoryOptions (interface)


export interface MakeTempDirectoryOptions {
  readonly directory?: string
  readonly prefix?: string

Added in v1.0.0

MakeTempFileOptions (interface)


export interface MakeTempFileOptions {
  readonly directory?: string
  readonly prefix?: string

Added in v1.0.0

OpenFileOptions (interface)


export interface OpenFileOptions {
  readonly flag?: OpenFlag
  readonly mode?: number

Added in v1.0.0

ReadDirectoryOptions (interface)


export interface ReadDirectoryOptions {
  readonly recursive?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

RemoveOptions (interface)


export interface RemoveOptions {
  readonly recursive?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

SinkOptions (interface)


export interface SinkOptions extends OpenFileOptions {}

Added in v1.0.0

StreamOptions (interface)


export interface StreamOptions {
  readonly bufferSize?: number
  readonly bytesToRead?: SizeInput
  readonly chunkSize?: SizeInput
  readonly offset?: SizeInput

Added in v1.0.0

WriteFileOptions (interface)


export interface WriteFileOptions {
  readonly flag?: OpenFlag
  readonly mode?: number

Added in v1.0.0

WriteFileStringOptions (interface)


export interface WriteFileStringOptions {
  readonly flag?: OpenFlag
  readonly mode?: number

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const GiB: (n: number) => Size

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const KiB: (n: number) => Size

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const MiB: (n: number) => Size

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const PiB: (n: number) => Size

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const Size: (bytes: SizeInput) => Size

Added in v1.0.0

Size (type alias)

Represents a size in bytes.


export type Size = Brand.Branded<bigint, "Size">

Added in v1.0.0

SizeInput (type alias)

Represents a size in bytes.


export type SizeInput = bigint | number | Size

Added in v1.0.0



export declare const TiB: (n: number) => Size

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const FileSystem: Tag<FileSystem, FileSystem>

Added in v1.0.0

type id



export declare const FileTypeId: typeof FileTypeId

Added in v1.0.0

FileTypeId (type alias)


export type FileTypeId = typeof FileTypeId

Added in v1.0.0


File (namespace)

Added in v1.0.0

Info (interface)


export interface Info {
  readonly type: Type
  readonly mtime: Option<Date>
  readonly atime: Option<Date>
  readonly birthtime: Option<Date>
  readonly dev: number
  readonly ino: Option<number>
  readonly mode: number
  readonly nlink: Option<number>
  readonly uid: Option<number>
  readonly gid: Option<number>
  readonly rdev: Option<number>
  readonly size: Size
  readonly blksize: Option<Size>
  readonly blocks: Option<number>

Added in v1.0.0

Descriptor (type alias)


export type Descriptor = Brand.Branded<number, "FileDescriptor">

Added in v1.0.0

Type (type alias)


export type Type =
  | "File"
  | "Directory"
  | "SymbolicLink"
  | "BlockDevice"
  | "CharacterDevice"
  | "FIFO"
  | "Socket"
  | "Unknown"

Added in v1.0.0