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Record overview

This module provides utility functions for working with records in TypeScript.

Added in v2.0.0

Table of contents



Creates a new, empty record.


export declare const empty: <K extends string | symbol = never, V = never>() => Record<

Added in v2.0.0


Builds a record from an iterable of key-value pairs.

If there are conflicting keys when using fromEntries, the last occurrence of the key/value pair will overwrite the previous ones. So the resulting record will only have the value of the last occurrence of each key.


export declare const fromEntries: <Entry extends readonly [string | symbol, any]>(
  entries: Iterable<Entry>
) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<Entry[0]>, Entry[1]>


import { fromEntries } from "effect/Record"

const input: Array<[string, number]> = [
  ["a", 1],
  ["b", 2]

assert.deepStrictEqual(fromEntries(input), { a: 1, b: 2 })

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a new record from an iterable, utilizing the provided function to determine the key for each element.


export declare const fromIterableBy: <A, K extends string | symbol>(
  items: Iterable<A>,
  f: (a: A) => K
) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>


import { fromIterableBy } from "effect/Record"

const users = [
  { id: "2", name: "name2" },
  { id: "1", name: "name1" }

  fromIterableBy(users, (user) =>,
    "2": { id: "2", name: "name2" },
    "1": { id: "1", name: "name1" }

Added in v2.0.0


Takes an iterable and a projection function and returns a record. The projection function maps each value of the iterable to a tuple of a key and a value, which is then added to the resulting record.


export declare const fromIterableWith: {
  <A, K extends string | symbol, B>(
    f: (a: A) => readonly [K, B]
  ): (self: Iterable<A>) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <A, K extends string | symbol, B>(
    self: Iterable<A>,
    f: (a: A) => readonly [K, B]
  ): Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>


import { fromIterableWith } from "effect/Record"

const input = [1, 2, 3, 4]

  fromIterableWith(input, (a) => [String(a), a * 2]),
  { "1": 2, "2": 4, "3": 6, "4": 8 }

Added in v2.0.0


Create a non-empty record from a single element.


export declare const singleton: <K extends string | symbol, A>(key: K, value: A) => Record<K, A>

Added in v2.0.0



Transforms the values of a record into an Array with a custom mapping function.


export declare const collect: {
  <K extends string, A, B>(f: (key: K, a: A) => B): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Array<B>
  <K extends string, A, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, f: (key: K, a: A) => B): Array<B>


import { collect } from "effect/Record"

const x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
  collect(x, (key, n) => [key, n]),
    ["a", 1],
    ["b", 2],
    ["c", 3]

Added in v2.0.0


Takes a record and returns an array of tuples containing its keys and values.


export declare const toEntries: <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Array<[K, A]>


import { toEntries } from "effect/Record"

const x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
assert.deepStrictEqual(toEntries(x), [
  ["a", 1],
  ["b", 2],
  ["c", 3]

Added in v2.0.0



Selects properties from a record whose values match the given predicate.


export declare const filter: {
  <K extends string, A, B extends A>(
    refinement: (a: NoInfer<A>, key: K) => a is B
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <K extends string, A>(
    predicate: (A: NoInfer<A>, key: K) => boolean
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>
  <K extends string, A, B extends A>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    refinement: (a: A, key: K) => a is B
  ): Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <K extends string, A>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    predicate: (a: A, key: K) => boolean
  ): Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>


import { filter } from "effect/Record"

const x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }
  filter(x, (n) => n > 2),
  { c: 3, d: 4 }

Added in v2.0.0


Given a record with Either values, returns a new record containing only the Left values, preserving the original keys.


export declare const getLefts: <K extends string, R, L>(
  self: ReadonlyRecord<K, Either<R, L>>
) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, L>


import { Record, Either } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.getLefts({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.left("err"), c: Either.right(2) }), { b: "err" })

Added in v2.0.0


Given a record with Either values, returns a new record containing only the Right values, preserving the original keys.


export declare const getRights: <K extends string, R, L>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, Either<R, L>>) => Record<string, R>


import { Record, Either } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.getRights({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.left("err"), c: Either.right(2) }), {
  a: 1,
  c: 2

Added in v2.0.0


Given a record with Option values, returns a new record containing only the Some values, preserving the original keys.


export declare const getSomes: <K extends string, A>(
  self: ReadonlyRecord<K, Option.Option<A>>
) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>


import { Record, Option } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.getSomes({ a: Option.some(1), b: Option.none(), c: Option.some(2) }), { a: 1, c: 2 })

Added in v2.0.0


Partitions a record into two separate records based on the result of a predicate function.


export declare const partition: {
  <K extends string, A, B extends A>(
    refinement: (a: NoInfer<A>, key: K) => a is B
  ): (
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>
  ) => [
    excluded: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, Exclude<A, B>>,
    satisfying: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <K extends string, A>(
    predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>, key: K) => boolean
  ): (
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>
  ) => [excluded: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>, satisfying: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>]
  <K extends string, A, B extends A>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    refinement: (a: A, key: K) => a is B
  ): [
    excluded: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, Exclude<A, B>>,
    satisfying: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <K extends string, A>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    predicate: (a: A, key: K) => boolean
  ): [excluded: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>, satisfying: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>]


import { partition } from "effect/Record"

  partition({ a: 1, b: 3 }, (n) => n > 2),
  [{ a: 1 }, { b: 3 }]

Added in v2.0.0


Partitions the elements of a record into two groups: those that match a predicate, and those that don’t.


export declare const partitionMap: {
  <K extends string, A, B, C>(
    f: (a: A, key: K) => Either<C, B>
  ): (
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>
  ) => [left: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>, right: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, C>]
  <K extends string, A, B, C>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    f: (a: A, key: K) => Either<C, B>
  ): [left: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>, right: Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, C>]


import { Record, Either } from "effect"

const x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
const f = (n: number) => (n % 2 === 0 ? Either.right(n) : Either.left(n))
assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.partitionMap(x, f), [{ a: 1, c: 3 }, { b: 2 }])

Added in v2.0.0


Partitions a record of Either values into two separate records, one with the Left values and one with the Right values.


export declare const separate: <K extends string, A, B>(
  self: ReadonlyRecord<K, Either<B, A>>
) => [Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, A>, Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>]


import { Record, Either } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.separate({ a: Either.left("e"), b: Either.right(1) }), [{ a: "e" }, { b: 1 }])

Added in v2.0.0



Reduce a record to a single value by combining its entries with a specified function.


export declare const reduce: {
  <Z, V, K extends string>(zero: Z, f: (accumulator: Z, value: V, key: K) => Z): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, V>) => Z
  <K extends string, V, Z>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, V>, zero: Z, f: (accumulator: Z, value: V, key: K) => Z): Z

Added in v2.0.0



Determine if a record is empty.


export declare const isEmptyReadonlyRecord: <K extends string, A>(
  self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>
) => self is ReadonlyRecord<K, never>


import { isEmptyReadonlyRecord } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(isEmptyReadonlyRecord({}), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(isEmptyReadonlyRecord({ a: 3 }), false)

Added in v2.0.0


Determine if a record is empty.


export declare const isEmptyRecord: <K extends string, A>(self: Record<K, A>) => self is Record<K, never>


import { isEmptyRecord } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(isEmptyRecord({}), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(isEmptyRecord({ a: 3 }), false)

Added in v2.0.0



Create an Equivalence for records using the provided Equivalence for values.


export declare const getEquivalence: <K extends string, A>(
  equivalence: Equivalence<A>
) => Equivalence<ReadonlyRecord<K, A>>

Added in v2.0.0



Maps a record into another record by applying a transformation function to each of its values.


export declare const map: {
  <K extends string, A, B>(f: (a: A, key: NoInfer<K>) => B): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K, B>
  <K extends string, A, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, f: (a: A, key: NoInfer<K>) => B): Record<K, B>


import { map } from "effect/Record"

const f = (n: number) => `-${n}`

assert.deepStrictEqual(map({ a: 3, b: 5 }, f), { a: "-3", b: "-5" })

const g = (n: number, key: string) => `${key.toUpperCase()}-${n}`

assert.deepStrictEqual(map({ a: 3, b: 5 }, g), { a: "A-3", b: "B-5" })

Added in v2.0.0


Maps entries of a ReadonlyRecord using the provided function, allowing modification of both keys and corresponding values.


export declare const mapEntries: {
  <K extends string, A, K2 extends string, B>(
    f: (a: A, key: K) => readonly [K2, B]
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K2, B>
  <K extends string, A, K2 extends string, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, f: (a: A, key: K) => [K2, B]): Record<K2, B>


import { mapEntries } from "effect/Record"

  mapEntries({ a: 3, b: 5 }, (a, key) => [key.toUpperCase(), a + 1]),
  { A: 4, B: 6 }

Added in v2.0.0


Maps the keys of a ReadonlyRecord while preserving the corresponding values.


export declare const mapKeys: {
  <K extends string, A, K2 extends string>(f: (key: K, a: A) => K2): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K2, A>
  <K extends string, A, K2 extends string>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, f: (key: K, a: A) => K2): Record<K2, A>


import { mapKeys } from "effect/Record"

  mapKeys({ a: 3, b: 5 }, (key) => key.toUpperCase()),
  { A: 3, B: 5 }

Added in v2.0.0


ReadonlyRecord (type alias)


export type ReadonlyRecord<in out K extends string | symbol, out A> = {
  readonly [P in K]: A

Added in v2.0.0



Retrieves the value of the property with the given key from a record and returns an Option of a tuple with the value and the record with the removed property. If the key is not present, returns O.none.


export declare const pop: {
  <K extends string | symbol, X extends K>(
    key: X
  ): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Option.Option<[A, Record<Exclude<K, X>, A>]>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, X extends K>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    key: X
  ): Option.Option<[A, Record<Exclude<K, X>, A>]>


import { Record as R, Option } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(R.pop({ a: 1, b: 2 }, "a"), Option.some([1, { b: 2 }]))
assert.deepStrictEqual(R.pop({ a: 1, b: 2 } as Record<string, number>, "c"), Option.none())

Added in v2.0.0

type lambdas

ReadonlyRecordTypeLambda (interface)


export interface ReadonlyRecordTypeLambda<K extends string = string> extends TypeLambda {
  readonly type: ReadonlyRecord<K, this["Target"]>

Added in v2.0.0


ReadonlyRecord (namespace)

Added in v2.0.0

IntersectKeys (type alias)


export type IntersectKeys<K1 extends string, K2 extends string> = [string] extends [K1 | K2]
  ? NonLiteralKey<K1> & NonLiteralKey<K2>
  : K1 & K2

Added in v2.0.0

NonLiteralKey (type alias)


export type NonLiteralKey<K extends string | symbol> = K extends string
  ? IsFiniteString<K> extends true
    ? string
    : K
  : symbol

Added in v2.0.0


Merge two records, preserving only the entries that are unique to each record.


export declare const difference: {
  <K1 extends string, B>(
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>
  ): <K0 extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>) => Record<K0 | K1, A | B>
  <K0 extends string, A, K1 extends string, B>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>,
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>
  ): Record<K0 | K1, A | B>

Added in v2.0.0


Check if all entries in a record meet a specific condition.


export declare const every: {
  <A, K extends string, B extends A>(
    refinement: (value: A, key: K) => value is B
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => self is ReadonlyRecord<K, B>
  <A, K extends string>(predicate: (value: A, key: K) => boolean): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => boolean
  <A, K extends string, B extends A>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    refinement: (value: A, key: K) => value is B
  ): self is ReadonlyRecord<K, B>
  <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, predicate: (value: A, key: K) => boolean): boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms a record into a record by applying the function f to each key and value in the original record. If the function returns Some, the key-value pair is included in the output record.


export declare const filterMap: {
  <K extends string, A, B>(
    f: (a: A, key: K) => Option.Option<B>
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>
  <K extends string, A, B>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    f: (a: A, key: K) => Option.Option<B>
  ): Record<ReadonlyRecord.NonLiteralKey<K>, B>


import { Record, Option } from "effect"

const x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
const f = (a: number, key: string) => (a > 2 ? Option.some(a * 2) : Option.none())
assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.filterMap(x, f), { c: 6 })

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieve a value at a particular key from a record, returning it wrapped in an Option.


export declare const get: {
  <K extends string | symbol>(key: NoInfer<K>): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Option.Option<A>
  <K extends string | symbol, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: NoInfer<K>): Option.Option<A>


import { Record as R, Option } from "effect"

const person: Record<string, unknown> = { name: "John Doe", age: 35 }

assert.deepStrictEqual(R.get(person, "name"), Option.some("John Doe"))
assert.deepStrictEqual(R.get(person, "email"), Option.none())

Added in v2.0.0


Check if a given key exists in a record.


export declare const has: {
  <K extends string | symbol>(key: NoInfer<K>): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => boolean
  <K extends string | symbol, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: NoInfer<K>): boolean


import { empty, has } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(has({ a: 1, b: 2 }, "a"), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(has(empty<string>(), "c"), false)

Added in v2.0.0


Merge two records, retaining only the entries that exist in both records.


export declare const intersection: {
  <K1 extends string, A, B, C>(
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>,
    combine: (selfValue: A, thatValue: B) => C
  ): <K0 extends string>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>) => Record<ReadonlyRecord.IntersectKeys<K0, K1>, C>
  <K0 extends string, A, K1 extends string, B, C>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>,
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>,
    combine: (selfValue: A, thatValue: B) => C
  ): Record<ReadonlyRecord.IntersectKeys<K0, K1>, C>

Added in v2.0.0


Check if one record is a subrecord of another, meaning it contains all the keys and values found in the second record. This comparison uses default equality checks (Equal.equivalence()).


export declare const isSubrecord: {
  <K extends string, A>(that: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => boolean
  <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, that: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>): boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Check if all the keys and values in one record are also found in another record.


export declare const isSubrecordBy: <A>(equivalence: Equivalence<A>) => {
  <K extends string>(that: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => boolean
  <K extends string>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, that: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>): boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieve the keys of a given record as an array.


export declare const keys: <K extends string | symbol, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Array<K & string>

Added in v2.0.0


Apply a function to the element at the specified key, creating a new record. If the key does not exist, the record is returned unchanged.


export declare const modify: {
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(key: NoInfer<K>, f: (a: A) => B): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K, A | B>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: NoInfer<K>, f: (a: A) => B): Record<K, A | B>


import { Record as R } from "effect"

const f = (x: number) => x * 2

assert.deepStrictEqual(R.modify({ a: 3 }, "a", f), { a: 6 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(R.modify({ a: 3 } as Record<string, number>, "b", f), { a: 3 })

Added in v2.0.0


Apply a function to the element at the specified key, creating a new record, or return None if the key doesn’t exist.


export declare const modifyOption: {
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(
    key: NoInfer<K>,
    f: (a: A) => B
  ): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Option.Option<Record<K, A | B>>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    key: NoInfer<K>,
    f: (a: A) => B
  ): Option.Option<Record<K, A | B>>


import { Record as R, Option } from "effect"

const f = (x: number) => x * 2

assert.deepStrictEqual(R.modifyOption({ a: 3 }, "a", f), Option.some({ a: 6 }))
assert.deepStrictEqual(R.modifyOption({ a: 3 } as Record<string, number>, "b", f), Option.none())

Added in v2.0.0


If the given key exists in the record, returns a new record with the key removed, otherwise returns a copy of the original record.


export declare const remove: {
  <K extends string | symbol, X extends K>(key: X): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<Exclude<K, X>, A>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, X extends K>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: X): Record<Exclude<K, X>, A>


import { remove } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(remove({ a: 1, b: 2 }, "a"), { b: 2 })

Added in v2.0.0


Replace a key’s value in a record and return the updated record. If the key does not exist in the record, a copy of the original record is returned.


export declare const replace: {
  <K extends string | symbol, B>(key: NoInfer<K>, value: B): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K, A | B>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: NoInfer<K>, value: B): Record<K, A | B>


import { Record } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.replace("a", 3)({ a: 1, b: 2 }), { a: 3, b: 2 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.replace("c", 3)({ a: 1, b: 2 }), { a: 1, b: 2 })

Added in v2.0.0


Replaces a value in the record with the new value passed as parameter.


export declare const replaceOption: {
  <K extends string | symbol, B>(
    key: NoInfer<K>,
    b: B
  ): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Option.Option<Record<K, A | B>>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, B>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, key: NoInfer<K>, b: B): Option.Option<Record<K, A | B>>


import { Record, Option } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.replaceOption({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, "a", 10), Option.some({ a: 10, b: 2, c: 3 }))
assert.deepStrictEqual(Record.replaceOption(Record.empty<string>(), "a", 10), Option.none())

Added in v2.0.0


Add a new key-value pair or update an existing key’s value in a record.


export declare const set: {
  <K extends string | symbol, K1 extends K | ((string | symbol) & {}), B>(
    key: K1,
    value: B
  ): <A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Record<K | K1, A | B>
  <K extends string | symbol, A, K1 extends K | ((string | symbol) & {}), B>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>,
    key: K1,
    value: B
  ): Record<K | K1, A | B>


import { set } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(set("a", 5)({ a: 1, b: 2 }), { a: 5, b: 2 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(set("c", 5)({ a: 1, b: 2 }), { a: 1, b: 2, c: 5 })

Added in v2.0.0


Returns the number of key/value pairs in a record.


export declare const size: <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => number


import { size } from "effect/Record"

assert.deepStrictEqual(size({ a: "a", b: 1, c: true }), 3)

Added in v2.0.0


Check if any entry in a record meets a specific condition.


export declare const some: {
  <A, K extends string>(predicate: (value: A, key: K) => boolean): (self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => boolean
  <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>, predicate: (value: A, key: K) => boolean): boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Merge two records, preserving entries that exist in either of the records.


export declare const union: {
  <K1 extends string, A, B, C>(
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>,
    combine: (selfValue: A, thatValue: B) => C
  ): <K0 extends string>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>) => Record<K0 | K1, A | B | C>
  <K0 extends string, A, K1 extends string, B, C>(
    self: ReadonlyRecord<K0, A>,
    that: ReadonlyRecord<K1, B>,
    combine: (selfValue: A, thatValue: B) => C
  ): Record<K0 | K1, A | B | C>

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieve the values of a given record as an array.


export declare const values: <K extends string, A>(self: ReadonlyRecord<K, A>) => Array<A>

Added in v2.0.0