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Added in v2.0.0

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From “./Arbitrary.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Arbitrary.js” module as Arbitrary.


export * as Arbitrary from "./Arbitrary.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./Array.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with arrays in TypeScript.


export * as Array from "./Array.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./BigDecimal.js”

This module provides utility functions and type class instances for working with the BigDecimal type in TypeScript. It includes functions for basic arithmetic operations, as well as type class instances for Equivalence and Order.

A BigDecimal allows storing any real number to arbitrary precision; which avoids common floating point errors (such as 0.1 + 0.2 ≠ 0.3) at the cost of complexity.

Internally, BigDecimal uses a BigInt object, paired with a 64-bit integer which determines the position of the decimal point. Therefore, the precision is not actually arbitrary, but limited to 263 decimal places.

It is not recommended to convert a floating point number to a decimal directly, as the floating point representation may be unexpected.


export * as BigDecimal from "./BigDecimal.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./BigInt.js”

This module provides utility functions and type class instances for working with the bigint type in TypeScript. It includes functions for basic arithmetic operations, as well as type class instances for Equivalence and Order.


export * as BigInt from "./BigInt.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Boolean.js”

This module provides utility functions and type class instances for working with the boolean type in TypeScript. It includes functions for basic boolean operations, as well as type class instances for Equivalence and Order.


export * as Boolean from "./Boolean.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Brand.js”

This module provides types and utility functions to create and work with branded types, which are TypeScript types with an added type tag to prevent accidental usage of a value in the wrong context.

The refined and nominal functions are both used to create branded types in TypeScript. The main difference between them is that refined allows for validation of the data, while nominal does not.

The nominal function is used to create a new branded type that has the same underlying type as the input, but with a different name. This is useful when you want to distinguish between two values of the same type that have different meanings. The nominal function does not perform any validation of the input data.

On the other hand, the refined function is used to create a new branded type that has the same underlying type as the input, but with a different name, and it also allows for validation of the input data. The refined function takes a predicate that is used to validate the input data. If the input data fails the validation, a BrandErrors is returned, which provides information about the specific validation failure.


export * as Brand from "./Brand.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Cache.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Cache.js” module as Cache.


export * as Cache from "./Cache.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Cause.js”

The Effect<A, E, R> type is polymorphic in values of type E and we can work with any error type that we want. However, there is a lot of information that is not inside an arbitrary E value. So as a result, an Effect needs somewhere to store things like unexpected errors or defects, stack and execution traces, causes of fiber interruptions, and so forth.

Effect-TS is very strict about preserving the full information related to a failure. It captures all type of errors into the Cause data type. Effect uses the Cause<E> data type to store the full story of failure. So its error model is lossless. It doesn’t throw information related to the failure result. So we can figure out exactly what happened during the operation of our effects.

It is important to note that Cause is an underlying data type representing errors occuring within an Effect workflow. Thus, we don’t usually deal with Causes directly. Even though it is not a data type that we deal with very often, the Cause of a failing Effect workflow can be accessed at any time, which gives us total access to all parallel and sequential errors in occurring within our codebase.


export * as Cause from "./Cause.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Channel.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Channel.js” module as Channel.


export * as Channel from "./Channel.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ChildExecutorDecision.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ChildExecutorDecision.js” module as ChildExecutorDecision.


export * as ChildExecutorDecision from "./ChildExecutorDecision.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Chunk.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Chunk.js” module as Chunk.


export * as Chunk from "./Chunk.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Clock.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Clock.js” module as Clock.


export * as Clock from "./Clock.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Config.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Config.js” module as Config.


export * as Config from "./Config.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ConfigError.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ConfigError.js” module as ConfigError.


export * as ConfigError from "./ConfigError.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ConfigProvider.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ConfigProvider.js” module as ConfigProvider.


export * as ConfigProvider from "./ConfigProvider.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ConfigProviderPathPatch.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ConfigProviderPathPatch.js” module as ConfigProviderPathPatch.


export * as ConfigProviderPathPatch from "./ConfigProviderPathPatch.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Console.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Console.js” module as Console.


export * as Console from "./Console.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Context.js”

This module provides a data structure called Context that can be used for dependency injection in effectful programs. It is essentially a table mapping Tags to their implementations (called Services), and can be used to manage dependencies in a type-safe way. The Context data structure is essentially a way of providing access to a set of related services that can be passed around as a single unit. This module provides functions to create, modify, and query the contents of a Context, as well as a number of utility types for working with tags and services.


export * as Context from "./Context.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Cron.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Cron.js” module as Cron.


export * as Cron from "./Cron.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Data.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Data.js” module as Data.


export * as Data from "./Data.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./DateTime.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./DateTime.js” module as DateTime.


export * as DateTime from "./DateTime.js"

Added in v3.6.0

From “./DefaultServices.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./DefaultServices.js” module as DefaultServices.


export * as DefaultServices from "./DefaultServices.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Deferred.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Deferred.js” module as Deferred.


export * as Deferred from "./Deferred.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Differ.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Differ.js” module as Differ.


export * as Differ from "./Differ.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Duration.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Duration.js” module as Duration.


export * as Duration from "./Duration.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Effect.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Effect.js” module as Effect.


export * as Effect from "./Effect.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Effectable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Effectable.js” module as Effectable.


export * as Effectable from "./Effectable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Either.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Either.js” module as Either.


export * as Either from "./Either.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Encoding.js”

This module provides encoding & decoding functionality for:

  • base64 (RFC4648)
  • base64 (URL)
  • hex


export * as Encoding from "./Encoding.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Equal.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Equal.js” module as Equal.


export * as Equal from "./Equal.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Equivalence.js”

This module provides an implementation of the Equivalence type class, which defines a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. In other words, it defines a notion of equivalence between values of a certain type. These properties are also known in mathematics as an “equivalence relation”.


export * as Equivalence from "./Equivalence.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ExecutionStrategy.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ExecutionStrategy.js” module as ExecutionStrategy.


export * as ExecutionStrategy from "./ExecutionStrategy.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Exit.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Exit.js” module as Exit.


export * as Exit from "./Exit.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FastCheck.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FastCheck.js” module as FastCheck.


export * as FastCheck from "./FastCheck.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./Fiber.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Fiber.js” module as Fiber.


export * as Fiber from "./Fiber.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberHandle.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberHandle.js” module as FiberHandle.


export * as FiberHandle from "./FiberHandle.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberId.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberId.js” module as FiberId.


export * as FiberId from "./FiberId.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberMap.js” module as FiberMap.


export * as FiberMap from "./FiberMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberRef.js” module as FiberRef.


export * as FiberRef from "./FiberRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberRefs.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberRefs.js” module as FiberRefs.


export * as FiberRefs from "./FiberRefs.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberRefsPatch.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberRefsPatch.js” module as FiberRefsPatch.


export * as FiberRefsPatch from "./FiberRefsPatch.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberSet.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberSet.js” module as FiberSet.


export * as FiberSet from "./FiberSet.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./FiberStatus.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./FiberStatus.js” module as FiberStatus.


export * as FiberStatus from "./FiberStatus.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Function.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Function.js” module as Function.


export * as Function from "./Function.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./GlobalValue.js”

The GlobalValue module ensures that a single instance of a value is created globally, even when modules are imported multiple times (e.g., due to mixing CommonJS and ESM builds) or during hot-reloading in development environments like Next.js or Remix.

It achieves this by using a versioned global store, identified by a unique Symbol tied to the current version of the effect library. The store holds values that are keyed by an identifier, allowing the reuse of previously computed instances across imports or reloads.

This pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where frequent reloading can cause services or single-instance objects to be recreated unnecessarily, such as in development environments with hot-reloading.


export * as GlobalValue from "./GlobalValue.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./GroupBy.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./GroupBy.js” module as GroupBy.


export * as GroupBy from "./GroupBy.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./HKT.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./HKT.js” module as HKT.


export * as HKT from "./HKT.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Hash.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Hash.js” module as Hash.


export * as Hash from "./Hash.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./HashMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./HashMap.js” module as HashMap.


export * as HashMap from "./HashMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./HashSet.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./HashSet.js” module as HashSet.


export * as HashSet from "./HashSet.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Inspectable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Inspectable.js” module as Inspectable.


export * as Inspectable from "./Inspectable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Iterable.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with Iterables in TypeScript.


export * as Iterable from "./Iterable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./JSONSchema.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./JSONSchema.js” module as JSONSchema.


export * as JSONSchema from "./JSONSchema.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./KeyedPool.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./KeyedPool.js” module as KeyedPool.


export * as KeyedPool from "./KeyedPool.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Layer.js”

A Layer<ROut, E, RIn> describes how to build one or more services in your application. Services can be injected into effects via Effect.provideService. Effects can require services via Effect.service.

Layer can be thought of as recipes for producing bundles of services, given their dependencies (other services).

Construction of services can be effectful and utilize resources that must be acquired and safely released when the services are done being utilized.

By default layers are shared, meaning that if the same layer is used twice the layer will only be allocated a single time.

Because of their excellent composition properties, layers are the idiomatic way in Effect-TS to create services that depend on other services.


export * as Layer from "./Layer.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./List.js”

A data type for immutable linked lists representing ordered collections of elements of type A.

This data type is optimal for last-in-first-out (LIFO), stack-like access patterns. If you need another access pattern, for example, random access or FIFO, consider using a collection more suited to this than List.


  • Time: List has O(1) prepend and head/tail access. Most other operations are O(n) on the number of elements in the list. This includes the index-based lookup of elements, length, append and reverse.
  • Space: List implements structural sharing of the tail list. This means that many operations are either zero- or constant-memory cost.


export * as List from "./List.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./LogLevel.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./LogLevel.js” module as LogLevel.


export * as LogLevel from "./LogLevel.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./LogSpan.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./LogSpan.js” module as LogSpan.


export * as LogSpan from "./LogSpan.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Logger.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Logger.js” module as Logger.


export * as Logger from "./Logger.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Mailbox.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Mailbox.js” module as Mailbox.


export * as Mailbox from "./Mailbox.js"

Added in v3.8.0

From “./ManagedRuntime.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ManagedRuntime.js” module as ManagedRuntime.


export * as ManagedRuntime from "./ManagedRuntime.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Match.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Match.js” module as Match.


export * as Match from "./Match.js"

Added in v1.0.0

From “./MergeDecision.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MergeDecision.js” module as MergeDecision.


export * as MergeDecision from "./MergeDecision.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MergeState.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MergeState.js” module as MergeState.


export * as MergeState from "./MergeState.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MergeStrategy.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MergeStrategy.js” module as MergeStrategy.


export * as MergeStrategy from "./MergeStrategy.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Metric.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Metric.js” module as Metric.


export * as Metric from "./Metric.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricBoundaries.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricBoundaries.js” module as MetricBoundaries.


export * as MetricBoundaries from "./MetricBoundaries.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricHook.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricHook.js” module as MetricHook.


export * as MetricHook from "./MetricHook.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricKey.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricKey.js” module as MetricKey.


export * as MetricKey from "./MetricKey.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricKeyType.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricKeyType.js” module as MetricKeyType.


export * as MetricKeyType from "./MetricKeyType.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricLabel.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricLabel.js” module as MetricLabel.


export * as MetricLabel from "./MetricLabel.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricPair.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricPair.js” module as MetricPair.


export * as MetricPair from "./MetricPair.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricPolling.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricPolling.js” module as MetricPolling.


export * as MetricPolling from "./MetricPolling.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricRegistry.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricRegistry.js” module as MetricRegistry.


export * as MetricRegistry from "./MetricRegistry.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MetricState.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MetricState.js” module as MetricState.


export * as MetricState from "./MetricState.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Micro.js”

A lightweight alternative to the Effect data type, with a subset of the functionality.


export * as Micro from "./Micro.js"

Added in v3.4.0

From “./ModuleVersion.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ModuleVersion.js” module as ModuleVersion.


export * as ModuleVersion from "./ModuleVersion.js"

Added in v2.0.0

Enables low level framework authors to run on their own isolated effect version

From “./MutableHashMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MutableHashMap.js” module as MutableHashMap.


export * as MutableHashMap from "./MutableHashMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MutableHashSet.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MutableHashSet.js” module as MutableHashSet.


export * as MutableHashSet from "./MutableHashSet.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MutableList.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MutableList.js” module as MutableList.


export * as MutableList from "./MutableList.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MutableQueue.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MutableQueue.js” module as MutableQueue.


export * as MutableQueue from "./MutableQueue.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./MutableRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./MutableRef.js” module as MutableRef.


export * as MutableRef from "./MutableRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./NonEmptyIterable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./NonEmptyIterable.js” module as NonEmptyIterable.


export * as NonEmptyIterable from "./NonEmptyIterable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Number.js”

This module provides utility functions and type class instances for working with the number type in TypeScript. It includes functions for basic arithmetic operations, as well as type class instances for Equivalence and Order.


export * as Number from "./Number.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Option.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Option.js” module as Option.


export * as Option from "./Option.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Order.js”

This module provides an implementation of the Order type class which is used to define a total ordering on some type A. An order is defined by a relation <=, which obeys the following laws:

  • either x <= y or y <= x (totality)
  • if x <= y and y <= x, then x == y (antisymmetry)
  • if x <= y and y <= z, then x <= z (transitivity)

The truth table for compare is defined as follows:

x <= y x >= y Ordering  
true true 0 corresponds to x == y
true false < 0 corresponds to x < y
false true > 0 corresponds to x > y


export * as Order from "./Order.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Ordering.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Ordering.js” module as Ordering.


export * as Ordering from "./Ordering.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ParseResult.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ParseResult.js” module as ParseResult.


export * as ParseResult from "./ParseResult.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./Pipeable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Pipeable.js” module as Pipeable.


export * as Pipeable from "./Pipeable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Pool.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Pool.js” module as Pool.


export * as Pool from "./Pool.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Predicate.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Predicate.js” module as Predicate.


export * as Predicate from "./Predicate.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Pretty.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Pretty.js” module as Pretty.


export * as Pretty from "./Pretty.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./PrimaryKey.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./PrimaryKey.js” module as PrimaryKey.


export * as PrimaryKey from "./PrimaryKey.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./PubSub.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./PubSub.js” module as PubSub.


export * as PubSub from "./PubSub.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Queue.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Queue.js” module as Queue.


export * as Queue from "./Queue.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Random.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Random.js” module as Random.


export * as Random from "./Random.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RateLimiter.js”

Limits the number of calls to a resource to a maximum amount in some interval.


export * as RateLimiter from "./RateLimiter.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RcMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RcMap.js” module as RcMap.


export * as RcMap from "./RcMap.js"

Added in v3.5.0

From “./RcRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RcRef.js” module as RcRef.


export * as RcRef from "./RcRef.js"

Added in v3.5.0

From “./Readable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Readable.js” module as Readable.


export * as Readable from "./Readable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Record.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with records in TypeScript.


export * as Record from "./Record.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RedBlackTree.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RedBlackTree.js” module as RedBlackTree.


export * as RedBlackTree from "./RedBlackTree.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Redacted.js”

The Redacted module provides functionality for handling sensitive information securely within your application. By using the Redacted data type, you can ensure that sensitive values are not accidentally exposed in logs or error messages.


export * as Redacted from "./Redacted.js"

Added in v3.3.0

From “./Ref.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Ref.js” module as Ref.


export * as Ref from "./Ref.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RegExp.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with RegExp in TypeScript.


export * as RegExp from "./RegExp.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Reloadable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Reloadable.js” module as Reloadable.


export * as Reloadable from "./Reloadable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Request.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Request.js” module as Request.


export * as Request from "./Request.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RequestBlock.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RequestBlock.js” module as RequestBlock.


export * as RequestBlock from "./RequestBlock.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RequestResolver.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RequestResolver.js” module as RequestResolver.


export * as RequestResolver from "./RequestResolver.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Resource.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Resource.js” module as Resource.


export * as Resource from "./Resource.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Runtime.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Runtime.js” module as Runtime.


export * as Runtime from "./Runtime.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RuntimeFlags.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RuntimeFlags.js” module as RuntimeFlags.


export * as RuntimeFlags from "./RuntimeFlags.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./RuntimeFlagsPatch.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./RuntimeFlagsPatch.js” module as RuntimeFlagsPatch.


export * as RuntimeFlagsPatch from "./RuntimeFlagsPatch.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./STM.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./STM.js” module as STM.


export * as STM from "./STM.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Schedule.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Schedule.js” module as Schedule.


export * as Schedule from "./Schedule.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ScheduleDecision.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ScheduleDecision.js” module as ScheduleDecision.


export * as ScheduleDecision from "./ScheduleDecision.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ScheduleInterval.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ScheduleInterval.js” module as ScheduleInterval.


export * as ScheduleInterval from "./ScheduleInterval.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ScheduleIntervals.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ScheduleIntervals.js” module as ScheduleIntervals.


export * as ScheduleIntervals from "./ScheduleIntervals.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Scheduler.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Scheduler.js” module as Scheduler.


export * as Scheduler from "./Scheduler.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Schema.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Schema.js” module as Schema.


export * as Schema from "./Schema.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./SchemaAST.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SchemaAST.js” module as SchemaAST.


export * as SchemaAST from "./SchemaAST.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./Scope.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Scope.js” module as Scope.


export * as Scope from "./Scope.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ScopedCache.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ScopedCache.js” module as ScopedCache.


export * as ScopedCache from "./ScopedCache.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./ScopedRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./ScopedRef.js” module as ScopedRef.


export * as ScopedRef from "./ScopedRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Secret.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Secret.js” module as Secret.


export * as Secret from "./Secret.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./SingleProducerAsyncInput.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SingleProducerAsyncInput.js” module as SingleProducerAsyncInput.


export * as SingleProducerAsyncInput from "./SingleProducerAsyncInput.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Sink.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Sink.js” module as Sink.


export * as Sink from "./Sink.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./SortedMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SortedMap.js” module as SortedMap.


export * as SortedMap from "./SortedMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./SortedSet.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SortedSet.js” module as SortedSet.


export * as SortedSet from "./SortedSet.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Stream.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Stream.js” module as Stream.


export * as Stream from "./Stream.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./StreamEmit.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./StreamEmit.js” module as StreamEmit.


export * as StreamEmit from "./StreamEmit.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./StreamHaltStrategy.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./StreamHaltStrategy.js” module as StreamHaltStrategy.


export * as StreamHaltStrategy from "./StreamHaltStrategy.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Streamable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Streamable.js” module as Streamable.


export * as Streamable from "./Streamable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./String.js”

This module provides utility functions and type class instances for working with the string type in TypeScript. It includes functions for basic string manipulation, as well as type class instances for Equivalence and Order.


export * as String from "./String.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Struct.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with structs in TypeScript.


export * as Struct from "./Struct.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Subscribable.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Subscribable.js” module as Subscribable.


export * as Subscribable from "./Subscribable.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./SubscriptionRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SubscriptionRef.js” module as SubscriptionRef.


export * as SubscriptionRef from "./SubscriptionRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Supervisor.js”

A Supervisor<T> is allowed to supervise the launching and termination of fibers, producing some visible value of type T from the supervision.


export * as Supervisor from "./Supervisor.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Symbol.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Symbol.js” module as Symbol.


export * as Symbol from "./Symbol.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./SynchronizedRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./SynchronizedRef.js” module as SynchronizedRef.


export * as SynchronizedRef from "./SynchronizedRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TArray.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TArray.js” module as TArray.


export * as TArray from "./TArray.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TDeferred.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TDeferred.js” module as TDeferred.


export * as TDeferred from "./TDeferred.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TMap.js” module as TMap.


export * as TMap from "./TMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TPriorityQueue.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TPriorityQueue.js” module as TPriorityQueue.


export * as TPriorityQueue from "./TPriorityQueue.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TPubSub.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TPubSub.js” module as TPubSub.


export * as TPubSub from "./TPubSub.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TQueue.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TQueue.js” module as TQueue.


export * as TQueue from "./TQueue.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TRandom.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TRandom.js” module as TRandom.


export * as TRandom from "./TRandom.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TReentrantLock.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TReentrantLock.js” module as TReentrantLock.


export * as TReentrantLock from "./TReentrantLock.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TRef.js” module as TRef.


export * as TRef from "./TRef.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TSemaphore.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TSemaphore.js” module as TSemaphore.


export * as TSemaphore from "./TSemaphore.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TSet.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TSet.js” module as TSet.


export * as TSet from "./TSet.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TSubscriptionRef.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TSubscriptionRef.js” module as TSubscriptionRef.


export * as TSubscriptionRef from "./TSubscriptionRef.js"

Added in v3.10.0

From “./Take.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Take.js” module as Take.


export * as Take from "./Take.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestAnnotation.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestAnnotation.js” module as TestAnnotation.


export * as TestAnnotation from "./TestAnnotation.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestAnnotationMap.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestAnnotationMap.js” module as TestAnnotationMap.


export * as TestAnnotationMap from "./TestAnnotationMap.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestAnnotations.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestAnnotations.js” module as TestAnnotations.


export * as TestAnnotations from "./TestAnnotations.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestClock.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestClock.js” module as TestClock.


export * as TestClock from "./TestClock.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestConfig.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestConfig.js” module as TestConfig.


export * as TestConfig from "./TestConfig.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestContext.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestContext.js” module as TestContext.


export * as TestContext from "./TestContext.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestLive.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestLive.js” module as TestLive.


export * as TestLive from "./TestLive.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestServices.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestServices.js” module as TestServices.


export * as TestServices from "./TestServices.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./TestSized.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./TestSized.js” module as TestSized.


export * as TestSized from "./TestSized.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Tracer.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Tracer.js” module as Tracer.


export * as Tracer from "./Tracer.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Trie.js”

A Trie is used for locating specific string keys from within a set.

It works similar to HashMap, but with keys required to be string. This constraint unlocks some performance optimizations and new methods to get string prefixes (e.g. keysWithPrefix, longestPrefixOf).

Prefix search is also the main feature that makes a Trie more suited than HashMap for certain usecases.

A Trie is often used to store a dictionary (list of words) that can be searched in a manner that allows for efficient generation of completion lists (e.g. predict the rest of a word a user is typing).

A Trie has O(n) lookup time where n is the size of the key, or even less than n on search misses.


export * as Trie from "./Trie.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Tuple.js”

This module provides utility functions for working with tuples in TypeScript.


export * as Tuple from "./Tuple.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Types.js”

A collection of types that are commonly used types.


export * as Types from "./Types.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Unify.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Unify.js” module as Unify.


export * as Unify from "./Unify.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./UpstreamPullRequest.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./UpstreamPullRequest.js” module as UpstreamPullRequest.


export * as UpstreamPullRequest from "./UpstreamPullRequest.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./UpstreamPullStrategy.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./UpstreamPullStrategy.js” module as UpstreamPullStrategy.


export * as UpstreamPullStrategy from "./UpstreamPullStrategy.js"

Added in v2.0.0

From “./Utils.js”

Re-exports all named exports from the “./Utils.js” module as Utils.


export * as Utils from "./Utils.js"

Added in v2.0.0




export declare const absurd: <A>(_: never) => A

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const flow: typeof flow

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const hole: <T>() => T

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const identity: <A>(a: A) => A

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const pipe: typeof pipe

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const unsafeCoerce: <A, B>(a: A) => B

Added in v2.0.0