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RcMap overview

Added in v3.5.0

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export declare const get: {
  <K>(key: K): <A, E>(self: RcMap<K, A, E>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Scope.Scope>
  <K, A, E>(self: RcMap<K, A, E>, key: K): Effect.Effect<A, E, Scope.Scope>

Added in v3.5.0


RcMap (interface)


export interface RcMap<in K, out A, out E = never> extends Pipeable {
  readonly [TypeId]: RcMap.Variance<K, A, E>

Added in v3.5.0

RcMap (namespace)

Added in v3.5.0

Variance (interface)


export interface Variance<K, A, E> {
  readonly _K: Types.Contravariant<K>
  readonly _A: Types.Covariant<A>
  readonly _E: Types.Covariant<E>

Added in v3.5.0


An RcMap can contain multiple reference counted resources that can be indexed by a key. The resources are lazily acquired on the first call to get and released when the last reference is released.

Complex keys can extend Equal and Hash to allow lookups by value.


export declare const make: {
  <K, A, E, R>(options: {
    readonly lookup: (key: K) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>
    readonly idleTimeToLive?: Duration.DurationInput | undefined
    readonly capacity?: undefined
  }): Effect.Effect<RcMap<K, A, E>, never, Scope.Scope | R>
  <K, A, E, R>(options: {
    readonly lookup: (key: K) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>
    readonly idleTimeToLive?: Duration.DurationInput | undefined
    readonly capacity: number
  }): Effect.Effect<RcMap<K, A, E | Cause.ExceededCapacityException>, never, Scope.Scope | R>


import { Effect, RcMap } from "effect"

Effect.gen(function* () {
  const map = yield* RcMap.make({
    lookup: (key: string) =>
      Effect.acquireRelease(Effect.succeed(`acquired ${key}`), () => Effect.log(`releasing ${key}`))

  // Get "foo" from the map twice, which will only acquire it once.
  // It will then be released once the scope closes.
  yield* RcMap.get(map, "foo").pipe(Effect.andThen(RcMap.get(map, "foo")), Effect.scoped)

Added in v3.5.0

type ids



export declare const TypeId: typeof TypeId

Added in v3.5.0

TypeId (type alias)


export type TypeId = typeof TypeId

Added in v3.5.0