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Function overview

Added in v2.0.0

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Tests if a value is a function.


export declare const isFunction: (input: unknown) => input is Function


import { isFunction } from "effect/Predicate"

assert.deepStrictEqual(isFunction(isFunction), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(isFunction("function"), false)

Added in v2.0.0

type lambdas

FunctionTypeLambda (interface)


export interface FunctionTypeLambda extends TypeLambda {
  readonly type: (a: this["In"]) => this["Target"]

Added in v2.0.0


FunctionN (interface)


export interface FunctionN<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B> {
  (...args: A): B


import { FunctionN } from "effect/Function"

const sum: FunctionN<[number, number], number> = (a, b) => a + b

Added in v2.0.0

LazyArg (interface)

A lazy argument.


export interface LazyArg<A> {
  (): A


import { LazyArg, constant } from "effect/Function"

const constNull: LazyArg<null> = constant(null)

Added in v2.0.0


The SK combinator, also known as the “S-K combinator” or “S-combinator”, is a fundamental combinator in the lambda calculus and the SKI combinator calculus.

This function is useful for discarding the first argument passed to it and returning the second argument.


export declare const SK: <A, B>(_: A, b: B) => B


import { SK } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(SK(0, "hello"), "hello")

Added in v2.0.0


The absurd function is a stub for cases where a value of type never is encountered in your code, meaning that it should be impossible for this code to be executed.

This function is particularly when it’s necessary to specify that certain cases are impossible.


export declare const absurd: <A>(_: never) => A

Added in v2.0.0


Apply a function to a given value.


export declare const apply: <A>(a: A) => <B>(self: (a: A) => B) => B


import { pipe, apply } from "effect/Function"
import { length } from "effect/String"

assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(length, apply("hello")), 5)

Added in v2.0.0


Composes two functions, ab and bc into a single function that takes in an argument a of type A and returns a result of type C. The result is obtained by first applying the ab function to a and then applying the bc function to the result of ab.


export declare const compose: {
  <B, C>(bc: (b: B) => C): <A>(self: (a: A) => B) => (a: A) => C
  <A, B, C>(self: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C): (a: A) => C


import { compose } from "effect/Function"

const increment = (n: number) => n + 1
const square = (n: number) => n * n

assert.strictEqual(compose(increment, square)(2), 9)

Added in v2.0.0


A thunk that returns always false.


export declare const constFalse: LazyArg<boolean>


import { constFalse } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(constFalse(), false)

Added in v2.0.0


A thunk that returns always null.


export declare const constNull: LazyArg<null>


import { constNull } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(constNull(), null)

Added in v2.0.0


A thunk that returns always true.


export declare const constTrue: LazyArg<boolean>


import { constTrue } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(constTrue(), true)

Added in v2.0.0


A thunk that returns always undefined.


export declare const constUndefined: LazyArg<undefined>


import { constUndefined } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(constUndefined(), undefined)

Added in v2.0.0


A thunk that returns always void.


export declare const constVoid: LazyArg<void>


import { constVoid } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(constVoid(), undefined)

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a constant value that never changes.

This is useful when you want to pass a value to a higher-order function (a function that takes another function as its argument) and want that inner function to always use the same value, no matter how many times it is called.


export declare const constant: <A>(value: A) => LazyArg<A>


import { constant } from "effect/Function"

const constNull = constant(null)

assert.deepStrictEqual(constNull(), null)
assert.deepStrictEqual(constNull(), null)

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a function that can be used in a data-last (aka pipeable) or data-first style.

The first parameter to dual is either the arity of the uncurried function or a predicate that determines if the function is being used in a data-first or data-last style.

Using the arity is the most common use case, but there are some cases where you may want to use a predicate. For example, if you have a function that takes an optional argument, you can use a predicate to determine if the function is being used in a data-first or data-last style.


export declare const dual: {
  <DataLast extends (...args: Array<any>) => any, DataFirst extends (...args: Array<any>) => any>(
    arity: Parameters<DataFirst>["length"],
    body: DataFirst
  ): DataLast & DataFirst
  <DataLast extends (...args: Array<any>) => any, DataFirst extends (...args: Array<any>) => any>(
    isDataFirst: (args: IArguments) => boolean,
    body: DataFirst
  ): DataLast & DataFirst


import { dual, pipe } from "effect/Function"

// Exampe using arity to determine data-first or data-last style
const sum: {
  (that: number): (self: number) => number
  (self: number, that: number): number
} = dual(2, (self: number, that: number): number => self + that)

assert.deepStrictEqual(sum(2, 3), 5)
assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(2, sum(3)), 5)

// Example using a predicate to determine data-first or data-last style
const sum2: {
  (that: number): (self: number) => number
  (self: number, that: number): number
} = dual(
  (args) => args.length === 1,
  (self: number, that: number): number => self + that

assert.deepStrictEqual(sum(2, 3), 5)
assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(2, sum(3)), 5)

Added in v2.0.0


Reverses the order of arguments for a curried function.


export declare const flip: <A extends unknown[], B extends unknown[], C>(
  f: (...a: A) => (...b: B) => C
) => (...b: B) => (...a: A) => C


import { flip } from "effect/Function"

const f = (a: number) => (b: string) => a - b.length

assert.deepStrictEqual(flip(f)("aaa")(2), -1)

Added in v2.0.0


Performs left-to-right function composition. The first argument may have any arity, the remaining arguments must be unary.

See also pipe.


export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B>(ab: (...a: A) => B): (...a: A) => B
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C
): (...a: A) => C
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D
): (...a: A) => D
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E
): (...a: A) => E
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E, F>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F
): (...a: A) => F
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E, F, G>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G
): (...a: A) => G
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H
): (...a: A) => H
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I
): (...a: A) => I
export declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(
  ab: (...a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J
): (...a: A) => J


import { flow } from "effect/Function"

const len = (s: string): number => s.length
const double = (n: number): number => n * 2

const f = flow(len, double)

assert.strictEqual(f("aaa"), 6)

Added in v2.0.0


Type hole simulation.


export declare const hole: <T>() => T

Added in v2.0.0


The identity function, i.e. A function that returns its input argument.


export declare const identity: <A>(a: A) => A


import { identity } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(identity(5), 5)

Added in v2.0.0


Pipes the value of an expression into a pipeline of functions.

This is useful in combination with data-last functions as a simulation of methods: -> pipe(as, map(f), filter(g))


export declare function pipe<A>(a: A): A
export declare function pipe<A, B>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B): B
export declare function pipe<A, B, C>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C): C
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D): D
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E): E
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F
): F
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G
): G
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H
): H
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I
): I
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J
): J
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K
): K
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L
): L
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M
): M
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N
): N
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O
): O
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O,
  op: (o: O) => P
): P
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O,
  op: (o: O) => P,
  pq: (p: P) => Q
): Q
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O,
  op: (o: O) => P,
  pq: (p: P) => Q,
  qr: (q: Q) => R
): R
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O,
  op: (o: O) => P,
  pq: (p: P) => Q,
  qr: (q: Q) => R,
  rs: (r: R) => S
): S
export declare function pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T>(
  a: A,
  ab: (a: A) => B,
  bc: (b: B) => C,
  cd: (c: C) => D,
  de: (d: D) => E,
  ef: (e: E) => F,
  fg: (f: F) => G,
  gh: (g: G) => H,
  hi: (h: H) => I,
  ij: (i: I) => J,
  jk: (j: J) => K,
  kl: (k: K) => L,
  lm: (l: L) => M,
  mn: (m: M) => N,
  no: (n: N) => O,
  op: (o: O) => P,
  pq: (p: P) => Q,
  qr: (q: Q) => R,
  rs: (r: R) => S,
  st: (s: S) => T
): T


import { pipe } from "effect/Function"
// Alternatively, you can use the following import syntax, as `pipe` is also conveniently exported from the `effect` entry point:
// import { pipe } from "effect"

const length = (s: string): number => s.length
const double = (n: number): number => n * 2
const decrement = (n: number): number => n - 1

assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(length("hello"), double, decrement), 9)

Added in v2.0.0


A function that ensures that the type of an expression matches some type, without changing the resulting type of that expression.


export declare const satisfies: <A>() => <B extends A>(b: B) => B


import { satisfies } from "effect/Function"

const test1 = satisfies<number>()(5 as const)
//^? const test: 5
// @ts-expect-error
const test2 = satisfies<string>()(5)
//^? Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

assert.deepStrictEqual(satisfies<number>()(5), 5)

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a tupled version of this function: instead of n arguments, it accepts a single tuple argument.


export declare const tupled: <A extends readonly unknown[], B>(f: (...a: A) => B) => (a: A) => B


import { tupled } from "effect/Function"

const sumTupled = tupled((x: number, y: number): number => x + y)

assert.deepStrictEqual(sumTupled([1, 2]), 3)

Added in v2.0.0


Casts the result to the specified type.


export declare const unsafeCoerce: <A, B>(a: A) => B


import { unsafeCoerce, identity } from "effect/Function"

assert.deepStrictEqual(unsafeCoerce, identity)

Added in v2.0.0


Inverse function of tupled


export declare const untupled: <A extends readonly unknown[], B>(f: (a: A) => B) => (...a: A) => B


import { untupled } from "effect/Function"

const getFirst = untupled(<A, B>(tuple: [A, B]): A => tuple[0])

assert.deepStrictEqual(getFirst(1, 2), 1)

Added in v2.0.0