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Cause overview

The Effect<A, E, R> type is polymorphic in values of type E and we can work with any error type that we want. However, there is a lot of information that is not inside an arbitrary E value. So as a result, an Effect needs somewhere to store things like unexpected errors or defects, stack and execution traces, causes of fiber interruptions, and so forth.

Effect-TS is very strict about preserving the full information related to a failure. It captures all type of errors into the Cause data type. Effect uses the Cause<E> data type to store the full story of failure. So its error model is lossless. It doesn’t throw information related to the failure result. So we can figure out exactly what happened during the operation of our effects.

It is important to note that Cause is an underlying data type representing errors occuring within an Effect workflow. Thus, we don’t usually deal with Causes directly. Even though it is not a data type that we deal with very often, the Cause of a failing Effect workflow can be accessed at any time, which gives us total access to all parallel and sequential errors in occurring within our codebase.

Added in v2.0.0

Table of contents



Creates a Die cause from an unexpected error.


This function wraps an unhandled or unknown defect (like a runtime crash) into a Cause. It’s useful for capturing unforeseen issues in a structured way.


export declare const die: (defect: unknown) => Cause<never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an Empty cause.


This function returns a cause that signifies “no error.” It’s commonly used to represent an absence of failure conditions.


export declare const empty: Cause<never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a Fail cause from an expected error.


This function constructs a Cause carrying an error of type E. It’s used when you want to represent a known or anticipated failure in your effectful computations.


export declare const fail: <E>(error: E) => Cause<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an Interrupt cause from a FiberId.


This function represents a fiber that has been interrupted. It stores the identifier of the interrupted fiber, enabling precise tracking of concurrent cancellations.


export declare const interrupt: (fiberId: FiberId.FiberId) => Cause<never>

Added in v2.0.0


Combines two Causes in parallel.


This function merges two errors that occurred simultaneously. Instead of discarding one error, both are retained, allowing for richer error reporting and debugging.


export declare const parallel: <E, E2>(left: Cause<E>, right: Cause<E2>) => Cause<E | E2>

Added in v2.0.0


Combines two Causes sequentially.


This function merges two errors that occurred in sequence, such as a main error followed by a finalization error. It preserves both errors for complete failure information.


export declare const sequential: <E, E2>(left: Cause<E>, right: Cause<E2>) => Cause<E | E2>

Added in v2.0.0



Extracts the most “important” defect from a Cause.


This function reduces a Cause to a single, prioritized defect. It evaluates the Cause in the following order of priority:

  1. If the Cause contains a failure (e.g., from, it returns the raw error value.
  2. If there is no failure, it looks for the first defect (e.g., from Effect.die).
  3. If neither of the above is present, and the Cause stems from an interruption, it creates and returns an InterruptedException.

This function ensures you can always extract a meaningful representation of the primary issue from a potentially complex Cause structure.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to extract the most relevant error or defect from a Cause, especially in scenarios where multiple errors or defects may be present. It’s particularly useful for simplifying error reporting or logging.


export declare const squash: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => unknown

Added in v2.0.0


Extracts the most “important” defect from a Cause, transforming failures into defects using a provided function.


This function reduces a Cause to a single, prioritized defect, while allowing you to transform recoverable failures into defects through a custom function. It processes the Cause in the following order:

  1. If the Cause contains a failure (e.g., from, it applies the provided function f to the error to transform it into a defect.
  2. If there is no failure, it looks for the first defect (e.g., from Effect.die) and returns it.
  3. If neither is present and the Cause stems from an interruption, it returns an InterruptedException.

This function is particularly useful when you need custom handling or transformation of errors while processing a Cause.


export declare const squashWith: {
  <E>(f: (error: E) => unknown): (self: Cause<E>) => unknown
  <E>(self: Cause<E>, f: (error: E) => unknown): unknown

Added in v2.0.0



Checks if the current Cause contains or is equal to another Cause.


This function returns true if that cause is part of or the same as the current Cause. It’s useful when you need to check for specific error patterns or deduplicate repeated failures.


export declare const contains: {
  <E2>(that: Cause<E2>): <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, that: Cause<E2>): boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Searches a Cause using a partial function to extract information.


This function allows you to search through a Cause using a custom partial function. The partial function is applied to the Cause, and if it matches, the result is returned wrapped in a Some. If no match is found, the result is None.

This is particularly useful when you are only interested in specific types of errors, defects, or interruption causes within a potentially complex Cause structure. By leveraging a partial function, you can focus on extracting only the relevant information you care about.

The partial function should return an Option indicating whether it matched and the value it extracted.


export declare const find: {
  <E, Z>(pf: (cause: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Z>): (self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Z>
  <E, Z>(self: Cause<E>, pf: (cause: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Z>): Option.Option<Z>

Added in v2.0.0



Creates an error indicating resource capacity has been exceeded.


This function constructs an ExceededCapacityException, signifying that an operation or resource usage surpassed established limits. This can be essential for concurrency or resource management situations, ensuring your application doesn’t go beyond acceptable thresholds.


export declare const ExceededCapacityException: new (message?: string | undefined) => ExceededCapacityException

Added in v3.5.0


Creates an error indicating an invalid method argument.


This function constructs an IllegalArgumentException. It is typically thrown or returned when an operation receives improper inputs, such as out-of-range values or invalid object states.


export declare const IllegalArgumentException: new (message?: string | undefined) => IllegalArgumentException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an error that indicates a Fiber was interrupted.


This function constructs an InterruptedException recognized by the Effect runtime. It is usually thrown or returned when a fiber’s execution is interrupted by external events or by another fiber. This is particularly helpful in concurrent programs where fibers may halt each other before completion.


export declare const InterruptedException: new (message?: string | undefined) => InterruptedException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an error indicating a missing element.


This function constructs a NoSuchElementException. It helps you clearly communicate that a required element is unavailable.


export declare const NoSuchElementException: new (message?: string | undefined) => NoSuchElementException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an error for general runtime errors.


This function constructs a RuntimeException, for errors that occur at runtime but are not specifically typed or categorized as interruptions, missing elements, or invalid arguments. It helps unify a wide range of unexpected conditions under a single, recognizable error type.


export declare const RuntimeException: new (message?: string | undefined) => RuntimeException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an error for operations that exceed their expected time.


This function constructs a TimeoutException. It is typically used to signal that an operation or fiber did not complete within a designated time limit, allowing you to handle slow or hanging processes.


export declare const TimeoutException: new (message?: string | undefined) => TimeoutException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an instance of UnknownException, an error object used to handle unknown errors such as those from rejected promises.


This function constructs an UnknownException with flexible behavior for managing the error message and cause.

The required error argument is passed as the cause to the global Error constructor, ensuring that the original cause is preserved in the error chain for debugging purposes. This ensures that the origin stack trace is preserved.

The error argument is always stored in the error property of the UnknownException instance for reference, regardless of its type.

Additionally, if you provide a message argument, it is used as the error message. If no message is provided, the error message defaults to "An unknown error occurred".

When to Use

Use this function when you need to handle unexpected or unknown errors in your application, particularly when the source of the error might not provide a clear message. This is useful for wrapping generic errors thrown from promises or external APIs.


export declare const UnknownException: new (error: unknown, message?: string | undefined) => UnknownException

Added in v2.0.0


Creates an error that occurs at runtime, extendable for other exception types.


export declare const YieldableError: new (message?: string | undefined) => YieldableError

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieves the original, unproxied error instance from an error object.


This function returns the underlying error object without any library-specific wrapping or proxying that might occur during error handling. This can be essential if you need direct access to the error’s native properties, such as stack traces or custom data fields, for detailed debugging or integration with external systems.


export declare const originalError: <E>(obj: E) => E

Added in v2.0.0



Preserves parts of a Cause that match a given predicate.


This function allows you to retain only the parts of a Cause structure that match a specified predicate or refinement. Any parts of the Cause that do not match the provided condition are excluded from the result.

You can use this function in two ways:

  • With a Predicate: A function that evaluates whether a Cause should be retained based on its value.
  • With a Refinement: A more specific predicate that can refine the type of the Cause.

This is useful when you need to extract specific types of errors, defects, or interruptions from a Cause while discarding unrelated parts.


export declare const filter: {
  <E, EB extends E>(refinement: Refinement<Cause<NoInfer<E>>, Cause<EB>>): (self: Cause<E>) => Cause<EB>
  <E>(predicate: Predicate<Cause<NoInfer<E>>>): (self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E>
  <E, EB extends E>(self: Cause<E>, refinement: Refinement<Cause<E>, Cause<EB>>): Cause<EB>
  <E>(self: Cause<E>, predicate: Predicate<Cause<E>>): Cause<E>

Added in v2.0.0



Converts a Cause into a human-readable string.


This function pretty-prints the entire Cause, including any failures, defects, and interruptions. It can be especially helpful for logging, debugging, or displaying structured errors to users.

You can optionally pass options to configure how the error cause is rendered. By default, it includes essential details of all errors in the Cause.


export declare const pretty: <E>(
  cause: Cause<E>,
  options?: { readonly renderErrorCause?: boolean | undefined }
) => string

Added in v2.0.0


Returns a list of prettified errors (PrettyError) from a Cause.


This function inspects the entire Cause and produces an array of PrettyError objects. Each object may include additional metadata, such as a Span, to provide deeper insights into where and how the error occurred.


export declare const prettyErrors: <E>(cause: Cause<E>) => Array<PrettyError>

Added in v3.2.0



Extracts all unrecoverable defects from a Cause.


This function returns a chunk of values representing unexpected errors (Die). It’s handy for capturing or logging unanticipated failures that might need special handling, such as bug reports.


export declare const defects: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Chunk.Chunk<unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieves the first Die defect in a Cause, if present.


This function returns an Option containing the first unexpected failure (Die) discovered. It’s helpful for diagnosing the primary defect in a chain of errors.


export declare const dieOption: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieves the first Fail error in a Cause, if present.


This function returns an Option containing the first recoverable error (E) from the cause. It’s often used to quickly check if there’s a primary error to handle or display.


export declare const failureOption: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Splits a Cause into either its first Fail error or the rest of the cause (which might only contain Die or Interrupt).


This function either returns the checked error (E) or the remaining Cause<never> with defects/interruptions. It helps you decide if there’s a recoverable path or if only unhandled issues remain.


export declare const failureOrCause: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Either.Either<Cause<never>, E>

Added in v2.0.0


Extracts all recoverable errors of type E from a Cause.


This function returns a chunk of errors, providing a list of all Fail values found in the cause. It’s useful for collecting all known failures for logging or combined error handling.


export declare const failures: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Chunk.Chunk<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Strips out failures with an error of None from a Cause<Option<E>>.


This function turns a Cause<Option<E>> into an Option<Cause<E>>. If the cause only contains failures of None, it becomes None; otherwise, it returns a Cause of the remaining errors. It’s helpful when working with optional errors and filtering out certain error paths.


export declare const flipCauseOption: <E>(self: Cause<Option.Option<E>>) => Option.Option<Cause<E>>

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieves the first Interrupt in a Cause, if present.


This function returns an Option with the first fiber interruption discovered. This is particularly useful for concurrency analysis or debugging cancellations.


export declare const interruptOption: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<FiberId.FiberId>

Added in v2.0.0


Collects all FiberIds responsible for interrupting a fiber.


This function returns a set of IDs indicating which fibers caused interruptions within this Cause. It’s useful for debugging concurrency issues or tracing cancellations.


export declare const interruptors: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => HashSet.HashSet<FiberId.FiberId>

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause contains a defect.


This function returns true if the Cause includes any unexpected or unhandled errors (Die). It’s useful for differentiating known failures from unexpected ones.


export declare const isDie: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is entirely empty.


This function returns true if the Cause contains no errors, defects, or interruptions. It’s helpful for verifying if a computation truly had no failures.


export declare const isEmpty: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause contains a failure.


This function returns true if the Cause includes any Fail error. It’s commonly used to confirm whether a workflow encountered an anticipated error versus just defects or interruptions.


export declare const isFailure: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause contains an interruption.


This function returns true if the Cause includes any fiber interruptions.


export declare const isInterrupted: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause contains only interruptions.


This function returns true if the Cause has been interrupted but does not contain any other failures, such as Fail or Die. It’s helpful for verifying purely “cancellation” scenarios.


export declare const isInterruptedOnly: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => boolean

Added in v2.0.0


Removes all Fail and Interrupt nodes, keeping only defects (Die) in a Cause.


This function strips a cause of recoverable errors and interruptions, leaving only unexpected failures. If no defects remain, it returns None. It’s valuable for focusing only on unanticipated problems when both known errors and defects could occur.


export declare const keepDefects: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Cause<never>>

Added in v2.0.0


Linearizes a Cause into a set of parallel causes, each containing a sequential chain of failures.


This function reorganizes the cause structure so that you can analyze each parallel branch separately, even if they have multiple sequential errors.


export declare const linearize: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => HashSet.HashSet<Cause<E>>

Added in v2.0.0


Calculates the size of a Cause.


This function returns the total number of Cause nodes in the semiring structure, reflecting how many individual error elements are recorded.


export declare const size: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => number

Added in v2.0.0


Removes Fail and Interrupt nodes from a Cause, keeping only defects (Die).


This function is similar to keepDefects but returns a Cause<never> directly, which can still store Die or finalizer-related defects. It’s helpful for analyzing only the irrecoverable portion of the error.


export declare const stripFailures: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Cause<never>

Added in v2.0.0


Removes matching defects from a Cause using a partial function, returning the remainder.


This function applies a user-defined extraction function to each defect (Die). If the function matches the defect, that defect is removed. If all defects match, the result is None. Otherwise, you get a Cause with the unmatched defects.


export declare const stripSomeDefects: {
  (pf: (defect: unknown) => Option.Option<unknown>): <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Cause<E>>
  <E>(self: Cause<E>, pf: (defect: unknown) => Option.Option<unknown>): Option.Option<Cause<E>>

Added in v2.0.0



Checks if a value is a Cause.


export declare const isCause: (u: unknown) => u is Cause<unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is a Die type.


export declare const isDieType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Die

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is an Empty type.


export declare const isEmptyType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Empty

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is an ExceededCapacityException.


export declare const isExceededCapacityException: (u: unknown) => u is ExceededCapacityException

Added in v3.5.0


Checks if a Cause is a Fail type.


export declare const isFailType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Fail<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is an IllegalArgumentException.


export declare const isIllegalArgumentException: (u: unknown) => u is IllegalArgumentException

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is an Interrupt type.


export declare const isInterruptType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Interrupt

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is an InterruptedException.


export declare const isInterruptedException: (u: unknown) => u is InterruptedException

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is a NoSuchElementException.


export declare const isNoSuchElementException: (u: unknown) => u is NoSuchElementException

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is a Parallel type.


export declare const isParallelType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Parallel<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is a RuntimeException.


export declare const isRuntimeException: (u: unknown) => u is RuntimeException

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a Cause is a Sequential type.


export declare const isSequentialType: <E>(self: Cause<E>) => self is Sequential<E>

Added in v2.0.0


Checks if a given unknown value is an UnknownException.


export declare const isUnknownException: (u: unknown) => u is UnknownException

Added in v2.0.0



Replaces any errors in a Cause with a provided constant error.


This function transforms all Fail errors into the specified error value, preserving the structure of the Cause. It’s useful when you no longer need the original error details but still want to keep the cause shape.


export declare const as: {
  <E2>(error: E2): <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E2>
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, error: E2): Cause<E2>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms the errors in a Cause using a user-provided function.


This function applies f to each Fail error while leaving defects (Die) and interruptions untouched. It’s useful for changing or simplifying error types in your effectful workflows.


export declare const map: {
  <E, E2>(f: (e: E) => E2): (self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E2>
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, f: (e: E) => E2): Cause<E2>

Added in v2.0.0



Transforms a Cause into a single value using custom handlers for each possible case.


This function processes a Cause by applying a set of custom handlers to each possible type of cause: Empty, Fail, Die, Interrupt, Sequential, and Parallel. The result of this function is a single value of type Z. This function allows you to define exactly how to handle each part of a Cause, whether it’s a failure, defect, interruption, or a combination of these.

The options parameter provides handlers for:

  • onEmpty: Handles the case where the cause is Empty, meaning no errors occurred.
  • onFail: Processes a failure with an error of type E.
  • onDie: Processes a defect (unexpected error).
  • onInterrupt: Handles a fiber interruption, providing the FiberId of the interruption.
  • onSequential: Combines two sequential causes into a single value of type Z.
  • onParallel: Combines two parallel causes into a single value of type Z.


export declare const match: {
  <Z, E>(options: {
    readonly onEmpty: Z
    readonly onFail: (error: E) => Z
    readonly onDie: (defect: unknown) => Z
    readonly onInterrupt: (fiberId: FiberId.FiberId) => Z
    readonly onSequential: (left: Z, right: Z) => Z
    readonly onParallel: (left: Z, right: Z) => Z
  }): (self: Cause<E>) => Z
  <Z, E>(
    self: Cause<E>,
    options: {
      readonly onEmpty: Z
      readonly onFail: (error: E) => Z
      readonly onDie: (defect: unknown) => Z
      readonly onInterrupt: (fiberId: FiberId.FiberId) => Z
      readonly onSequential: (left: Z, right: Z) => Z
      readonly onParallel: (left: Z, right: Z) => Z
  ): Z

Added in v2.0.0


Cause (type alias)

Represents the full history of a failure within an Effect.


This type is a data structure that captures all information about why and how an effect has failed, including parallel errors, sequential errors, defects, and interruptions. It enables a “lossless” error model: no error-related information is discarded, which helps in debugging and understanding the root cause of failures.


export type Cause<E> = Empty | Fail<E> | Die | Interrupt | Sequential<E> | Parallel<E>

Added in v2.0.0

CauseReducer (interface)

Describes methods for reducing a Cause<E> into a value of type Z with access to contextual information.


This interface is meant for advanced transformations of Cause. By implementing each method, you can define how different parts of the Cause structure (like Fail, Die, or Interrupt) should be transformed into a final type Z. The context parameter carries additional data needed during this reduction.


export interface CauseReducer<in C, in E, in out Z> {
  emptyCase(context: C): Z
  failCase(context: C, error: E): Z
  dieCase(context: C, defect: unknown): Z
  interruptCase(context: C, fiberId: FiberId.FiberId): Z
  sequentialCase(context: C, left: Z, right: Z): Z
  parallelCase(context: C, left: Z, right: Z): Z

Added in v2.0.0

Die (interface)

Represents an unexpected defect within a Cause.


This interface models a Cause for errors that are typically unrecoverable or unanticipated—like runtime exceptions or bugs. When code “dies,” it indicates a severe failure that wasn’t accounted for.


export interface Die extends Cause.Variance<never>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Die"
  readonly defect: unknown

Added in v2.0.0

Empty (interface)

Represents a lack of errors within a Cause.


export interface Empty extends Cause.Variance<never>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Empty"

Added in v2.0.0

ExceededCapacityException (interface)

An error that occurs when resource capacity is exceeded.


export interface ExceededCapacityException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "ExceededCapacityException"
  readonly [ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId]: ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v3.5.0

Fail (interface)

Represents an expected error within a Cause.


This interface models a Cause that carries an expected or known error of type E. For example, if you validate user input and find it invalid, you might store that error within a Fail.


export interface Fail<out E> extends Cause.Variance<E>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Fail"
  readonly error: E

Added in v2.0.0

IllegalArgumentException (interface)

An error representing an invalid argument passed to a method.


This interface is used for signaling that a function or method received an argument that does not meet its preconditions.


export interface IllegalArgumentException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "IllegalArgumentException"
  readonly [IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId]: IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

Interrupt (interface)

Represents fiber interruption within a Cause.


This interface models a scenario where an effect was halted by an external signal, carrying a FiberId that identifies which fiber was interrupted. Interruption is a normal part of concurrency, used for cancellation or resource cleanup.


export interface Interrupt extends Cause.Variance<never>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Interrupt"
  readonly fiberId: FiberId.FiberId

Added in v2.0.0

InterruptedException (interface)

An error representing fiber interruption.


This interface represents errors that occur when a fiber is forcefully interrupted. Interruption can happen for various reasons, including cancellations or system directives to halt operations. Code that deals with concurrency might need to catch or handle these to ensure proper cleanup.


export interface InterruptedException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "InterruptedException"
  readonly [InterruptedExceptionTypeId]: InterruptedExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

InvalidPubSubCapacityException (interface)

An error indicating invalid capacity for a PubSub.


export interface InvalidPubSubCapacityException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "InvalidPubSubCapacityException"
  readonly [InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId]: InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

NoSuchElementException (interface)

An error that occurs when an expected element is missing.


This interface indicates scenarios like looking up an item in a collection or searching for data that should be present but isn’t. It helps your code signal a more specific issue rather than a general error.


export interface NoSuchElementException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "NoSuchElementException"
  readonly [NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId]: NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

Parallel (interface)

Represents parallel composition of two Causes.


This interface captures failures that happen simultaneously. In scenarios with concurrency, more than one operation can fail in parallel. Instead of losing information, this structure stores both errors together.


export interface Parallel<out E> extends Cause.Variance<E>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Parallel"
  readonly left: Cause<E>
  readonly right: Cause<E>

Added in v2.0.0

PrettyError (interface)

A shape for prettified errors, optionally including a source span.


export interface PrettyError extends Error {
  readonly span: Span | undefined

Added in v3.2.0

RuntimeException (interface)

An error representing a runtime error.


This interface is used for errors that occur at runtime but are still considered recoverable or typed.


export interface RuntimeException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "RuntimeException"
  readonly [RuntimeExceptionTypeId]: RuntimeExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

Sequential (interface)

Represents sequential composition of two Causes.


This interface models the scenario where one error follows another in sequence, such as when a main effect fails and then a finalizer also fails. It ensures both errors are retained in the final Cause.


export interface Sequential<out E> extends Cause.Variance<E>, Equal.Equal, Pipeable, Inspectable {
  readonly _tag: "Sequential"
  readonly left: Cause<E>
  readonly right: Cause<E>

Added in v2.0.0

TimeoutException (interface)

An error representing a computation that timed out.


export interface TimeoutException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "TimeoutException"
  readonly [TimeoutExceptionTypeId]: TimeoutExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

UnknownException (interface)

A checked exception for handling unknown or unexpected errors.


This interface captures errors that don’t fall under known categories. It is especially helpful for wrapping low-level or third-party library errors that might provide little or no context, such as from a rejected promise.


export interface UnknownException extends YieldableError {
  readonly _tag: "UnknownException"
  readonly [UnknownExceptionTypeId]: UnknownExceptionTypeId
  readonly error: unknown

Added in v2.0.0

YieldableError (interface)

Represents an error object that can be yielded in Effect.gen.


export interface YieldableError extends Pipeable, Inspectable, Readonly<Error> {
  readonly [Effect.EffectTypeId]: Effect.Effect.VarianceStruct<never, this, never>
  readonly [Stream.StreamTypeId]: Stream.Stream.VarianceStruct<never, this, never>
  readonly [Sink.SinkTypeId]: Sink.Sink.VarianceStruct<never, unknown, never, this, never>
  readonly [Channel.ChannelTypeId]: Channel.Channel.VarianceStruct<never, unknown, this, unknown, never, unknown, never>
  [Symbol.iterator](): Effect.EffectGenerator<Effect.Effect<never, this, never>>

Added in v2.0.0



Combines all parts of a Cause into a single value by starting with an initial value.


This function processes a Cause by starting with an initial value (zero) and applying a custom function (pf) to combine all elements of the Cause into a single result of type Z. The custom function determines how each part of the Cause contributes to the final result. The function can return an Option to either continue combining values or skip specific parts of the Cause.

This function is useful for tasks such as:

  • Aggregating error messages from a Cause into a single string.
  • Summarizing the structure of a Cause into a simplified result.
  • Filtering or processing only specific parts of a Cause.

The reduction proceeds in a top-down manner, visiting all nodes in the Cause structure. This gives you complete control over how each part of the Cause contributes to the final result.


export declare const reduce: {
  <Z, E>(zero: Z, pf: (accumulator: Z, cause: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Z>): (self: Cause<E>) => Z
  <Z, E>(self: Cause<E>, zero: Z, pf: (accumulator: Z, cause: Cause<E>) => Option.Option<Z>): Z

Added in v2.0.0


Combines all parts of a Cause into a single value using a custom reducer and a context.


This function allows you to reduce a Cause into a single value of type Z using a custom CauseReducer. A CauseReducer provides methods to handle specific parts of the Cause, such as failures, defects, or interruptions. Additionally, this function provides access to a context value, which can be used to carry information or maintain state during the reduction process.

This is particularly useful when the reduction process needs additional context or configuration, such as:

  • Aggregating error details with dynamic formatting.
  • Collecting logs or statistics about the Cause.
  • Performing stateful transformations based on the context.


export declare const reduceWithContext: {
  <C, E, Z>(context: C, reducer: CauseReducer<C, E, Z>): (self: Cause<E>) => Z
  <C, E, Z>(self: Cause<E>, context: C, reducer: CauseReducer<C, E, Z>): Z

Added in v2.0.0



Sequences two Causes. The second Cause can be dependent on the result of the first Cause.


export declare const andThen: {
  <E, E2>(f: (e: E) => Cause<E2>): (self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E2>
  <E2>(f: Cause<E2>): <E>(self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E2>
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, f: (e: E) => Cause<E2>): Cause<E2>
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, f: Cause<E2>): Cause<E2>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms errors in a Cause into new causes.


This function applies a function f to each Fail error, converting it into a new Cause. This is especially powerful for merging or restructuring error types while preserving or combining cause information.


export declare const flatMap: {
  <E, E2>(f: (e: E) => Cause<E2>): (self: Cause<E>) => Cause<E2>
  <E, E2>(self: Cause<E>, f: (e: E) => Cause<E2>): Cause<E2>

Added in v2.0.0


Flattens a nested Cause structure.


This function takes a Cause<Cause<E>> and merges the layers into a single Cause<E>. It’s useful for eliminating additional nesting created by repeated transformations or compositions.


export declare const flatten: <E>(self: Cause<Cause<E>>) => Cause<E>

Added in v2.0.0



A unique symbol identifying the Cause type.


This provides a symbol that helps identify instances of the Cause data type. This can be used for advanced operations such as refining types or building internal utilities that check whether an unknown value is a Cause.


export declare const CauseTypeId: typeof CauseTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

CauseTypeId (type alias)


export type CauseTypeId = typeof CauseTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the ExceededCapacityException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies an ExceededCapacityException. It denotes situations where a resource has exceeded its configured capacity limit.


export declare const ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId: typeof ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v3.5.0

ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId = typeof ExceededCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v3.5.0


A unique symbol identifying the IllegalArgumentException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies an IllegalArgumentException. This is often used in scenarios where invalid arguments are supplied to methods that expect specific input.


export declare const IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId: typeof IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId = typeof IllegalArgumentExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the InterruptedException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies an InterruptedException. This is typically used internally to recognize when a fiber has been interrupted, helping the framework handle interruption logic correctly.


export declare const InterruptedExceptionTypeId: typeof InterruptedExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

InterruptedExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type InterruptedExceptionTypeId = typeof InterruptedExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the InvalidPubSubCapacityException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies an InvalidPubSubCapacityException. It indicates an error related to an invalid capacity passed to a PubSub structure.


export declare const InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId: typeof InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId = typeof InvalidPubSubCapacityExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the NoSuchElementException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies a NoSuchElementException. It helps differentiate cases where a required element is missing within a data structure.


export declare const NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId: typeof NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId = typeof NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the RuntimeException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies a RuntimeException. This is typically used internally by the library to recognize checked exceptions that occur during runtime.


export declare const RuntimeExceptionTypeId: typeof RuntimeExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

RuntimeExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type RuntimeExceptionTypeId = typeof RuntimeExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the TimeoutException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies a TimeoutException. It helps the framework recognize errors related to operations that fail to complete within a given timeframe.


export declare const TimeoutExceptionTypeId: typeof TimeoutExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

TimeoutExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type TimeoutExceptionTypeId = typeof TimeoutExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


A unique symbol identifying the UnknownException type.


This provides a symbol that identifies an UnknownException. It is typically used for generic or unexpected errors that do not fit other specific exception categories.


export declare const UnknownExceptionTypeId: typeof UnknownExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

UnknownExceptionTypeId (type alias)


export type UnknownExceptionTypeId = typeof UnknownExceptionTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


Cause (namespace)

Added in v2.0.0

Variance (interface)

This interface is used internally to manage the type variance of Cause.


export interface Variance<out E> {
  readonly [CauseTypeId]: {
    readonly _E: Covariant<E>

Added in v2.0.0