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StreamEmit overview

Added in v2.0.0

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Emit (interface)

An Emit<R, E, A, B> represents an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple times. The callback can be called with a value of type Effect<Chunk<A>, Option<E>, R>, where succeeding with a Chunk<A> indicates to emit those elements, failing with Some<E> indicates to terminate with that error, and failing with None indicates to terminate with an end of stream signal.


export interface Emit<in R, in E, in A, out B> extends EmitOps<R, E, A, B> {
  (f: Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<A>, Option.Option<E>, R>): Promise<B>

Added in v2.0.0

EmitOps (interface)


export interface EmitOps<in R, in E, in A, out B> {
   * Emits a chunk containing the specified values.
  chunk(chunk: Chunk.Chunk<A>): Promise<B>

   * Terminates with a cause that dies with the specified defect.
  die<Err>(defect: Err): Promise<B>

   * Terminates with a cause that dies with a `Throwable` with the specified
   * message.
  dieMessage(message: string): Promise<B>

   * Either emits the specified value if this `Exit` is a `Success` or else
   * terminates with the specified cause if this `Exit` is a `Failure`.
  done(exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>): Promise<B>

   * Terminates with an end of stream signal.
  end(): Promise<B>

   * Terminates with the specified error.
  fail(error: E): Promise<B>

   * Either emits the success value of this effect or terminates the stream
   * with the failure value of this effect.
  fromEffect(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>): Promise<B>

   * Either emits the success value of this effect or terminates the stream
   * with the failure value of this effect.
  fromEffectChunk(effect: Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<A>, E, R>): Promise<B>

   * Terminates the stream with the specified cause.
  halt(cause: Cause.Cause<E>): Promise<B>

   * Emits a chunk containing the specified value.
  single(value: A): Promise<B>

Added in v2.0.0

EmitOpsPush (interface)


export interface EmitOpsPush<in E, in A> {
   * Emits a chunk containing the specified values.
  chunk(chunk: Chunk.Chunk<A>): boolean

   * Emits a chunk containing the specified values.
  array(chunk: ReadonlyArray<A>): boolean

   * Terminates with a cause that dies with the specified defect.
  die<Err>(defect: Err): void

   * Terminates with a cause that dies with a `Throwable` with the specified
   * message.
  dieMessage(message: string): void

   * Either emits the specified value if this `Exit` is a `Success` or else
   * terminates with the specified cause if this `Exit` is a `Failure`.
  done(exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>): void

   * Terminates with an end of stream signal.
  end(): void

   * Terminates with the specified error.
  fail(error: E): void

   * Terminates the stream with the specified cause.
  halt(cause: Cause.Cause<E>): void

   * Emits a chunk containing the specified value.
  single(value: A): boolean

Added in v3.6.0