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HttpApi overview

Added in v1.0.0

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An HttpApi is a collection of HttpApiEndpoints. You can use an HttpApi to represent a portion of your domain.

The endpoints can be implemented later using the HttpApiBuilder.make api.


export declare const make: <const Id extends string>(identifier: Id) => HttpApi<Id, never, HttpApiDecodeError>

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const isHttpApi: (u: unknown) => u is HttpApi.Any

Added in v1.0.0


HttpApi (interface)

An HttpApi is a collection of HttpApiEndpoints. You can use an HttpApi to represent a portion of your domain.

The endpoints can be implemented later using the HttpApiBuilder.make api.


export interface HttpApi<
  out Id extends string,
  out Groups extends HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.Any = never,
  in out E = never,
  out R = never
> extends Pipeable {
  new (_: never): {}
  readonly [TypeId]: TypeId
  readonly identifier: Id
  readonly groups: Record.ReadonlyRecord<string, Groups>
  readonly annotations: Context.Context<never>
  readonly errorSchema: Schema.Schema<E, unknown, R>
  readonly middlewares: ReadonlySet<HttpApiMiddleware.TagClassAny>

   * Add a `HttpApiGroup` to the `HttpApi`.
  add<A extends HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.Any>(group: A): HttpApi<Id, Groups | A, E, R>
   * Add another `HttpApi` to the `HttpApi`.
  addHttpApi<Id2 extends string, Groups2 extends HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.Any, E2, R2>(
    api: HttpApi<Id2, Groups2, E2, R2>
  ): HttpApi<Id, Groups | HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.AddContext<Groups2, R2>, E | E2, R>
   * Add an global error to the `HttpApi`.
  addError<A, I, RX>(
    schema: Schema.Schema<A, I, RX>,
    annotations?: {
      readonly status?: number | undefined
  ): HttpApi<Id, Groups, E | A, R | RX>
   * Prefix all endpoints in the `HttpApi`.
  prefix(prefix: HttpApiEndpoint.PathSegment): HttpApi<Id, Groups, E, R>
   * Add a middleware to a `HttpApi`. It will be applied to all endpoints in the
   * `HttpApi`.
  middleware<I extends HttpApiMiddleware.HttpApiMiddleware.AnyId, S>(
    middleware: Context.Tag<I, S>
  ): HttpApi<
    E | HttpApiMiddleware.HttpApiMiddleware.Error<I>,
    R | I | HttpApiMiddleware.HttpApiMiddleware.ErrorContext<I>
   * Annotate the `HttpApi`.
  annotate<I, S>(tag: Context.Tag<I, S>, value: S): HttpApi<Id, Groups, E, R>
   * Annotate the `HttpApi` with a Context.
  annotateContext<I>(context: Context.Context<I>): HttpApi<Id, Groups, E, R>

Added in v1.0.0

HttpApi (namespace)

Added in v1.0.0

Any (interface)


export interface Any {
  readonly [TypeId]: TypeId

Added in v1.0.0

AnyWithProps (type alias)


export type AnyWithProps = HttpApi<string, HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.AnyWithProps, any, any>

Added in v1.0.0



Extract metadata from an HttpApi, which can be used to generate documentation or other tooling.

See the OpenApi & HttpApiClient modules for examples of how to use this function.


export declare const reflect: <Id extends string, Groups extends HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.Any, Error, R>(
  self: HttpApi<Id, Groups, Error, R>,
  options: {
    readonly predicate?: Predicate.Predicate<{
      readonly endpoint: HttpApiEndpoint.HttpApiEndpoint.AnyWithProps
      readonly group: HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.AnyWithProps
    readonly onGroup: (options: {
      readonly group: HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.AnyWithProps
      readonly mergedAnnotations: Context.Context<never>
    }) => void
    readonly onEndpoint: (options: {
      readonly group: HttpApiGroup.HttpApiGroup.AnyWithProps
      readonly endpoint: HttpApiEndpoint.HttpApiEndpoint<string, HttpMethod>
      readonly mergedAnnotations: Context.Context<never>
      readonly middleware: ReadonlySet<HttpApiMiddleware.TagClassAny>
      readonly payloads: ReadonlyMap<string, { readonly encoding: HttpApiSchema.Encoding; readonly ast: AST.AST }>
      readonly successes: ReadonlyMap<
        { readonly ast: Option.Option<AST.AST>; readonly description: Option.Option<string> }
      readonly errors: ReadonlyMap<
        { readonly ast: Option.Option<AST.AST>; readonly description: Option.Option<string> }
    }) => void
) => void

Added in v1.0.0


AdditionalSchemas (class)

Adds additional schemas to components/schemas. The provided schemas must have a identifier annotation.


export declare class AdditionalSchemas

Added in v1.0.0

Api (class)


export declare class Api

Added in v1.0.0

type ids



export declare const TypeId: typeof TypeId

Added in v1.0.0

TypeId (type alias)


export type TypeId = typeof TypeId

Added in v1.0.0