SingleProducerAsyncInput overview
Added in v2.0.0
Table of contents
export declare const make: <Err, Elem, Done>() => Effect.Effect<SingleProducerAsyncInput<Err, Elem, Done>>
Added in v2.0.0
AsyncInputConsumer (interface)
Consumer-side view of SingleProducerAsyncInput
for variance purposes.
export interface AsyncInputConsumer<out Err, out Elem, out Done> {
onError: (cause: Cause.Cause<Err>) => A,
onElement: (element: Elem) => A,
onDone: (value: Done) => A
): Effect.Effect<A>
Added in v2.0.0
AsyncInputProducer (interface)
Producer-side view of SingleProducerAsyncInput
for variance purposes.
export interface AsyncInputProducer<in Err, in Elem, in Done> {
awaitRead(): Effect.Effect<unknown>
done(value: Done): Effect.Effect<unknown>
emit(element: Elem): Effect.Effect<unknown>
error(cause: Cause.Cause<Err>): Effect.Effect<unknown>
Added in v2.0.0
SingleProducerAsyncInput (interface)
An MVar-like abstraction for sending data to channels asynchronously which is designed for one producer and multiple consumers.
Features the following semantics:
- Buffer of size 1.
- When emitting, the producer waits for a consumer to pick up the value to prevent “reading ahead” too much.
- Once an emitted element is read by a consumer, it is cleared from the buffer, so that at most one consumer sees every emitted element.
- When sending a done or error signal, the producer does not wait for a consumer to pick up the signal. The signal stays in the buffer after being read by a consumer, so it can be propagated to multiple consumers.
- Trying to publish another emit/error/done after an error/done have already been published results in an interruption.
export interface SingleProducerAsyncInput<in out Err, in out Elem, in out Done>
extends AsyncInputProducer<Err, Elem, Done>,
AsyncInputConsumer<Err, Elem, Done> {
readonly close: Effect.Effect<unknown>
readonly take: Effect.Effect<Exit.Exit<Elem, Either.Either<Done, Err>>>
Added in v2.0.0