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Struct overview

This module provides utility functions for working with structs in TypeScript.

Added in v2.0.0

Table of contents



Given a struct of Equivalences returns a new Equivalence that compares values of a struct by applying each Equivalence to the corresponding property of the struct.

Alias of {@link Equivalence.struct}.


export declare const getEquivalence: <R extends Record<string, Equivalence.Equivalence<any>>>(
  isEquivalents: R
) => Equivalence.Equivalence<{ readonly [K in keyof R]: [R[K]] extends [Equivalence.Equivalence<infer A>] ? A : never }>


import { Struct, String, Number } from "effect"

const PersonEquivalence = Struct.getEquivalence({
  name: String.Equivalence,
  age: Number.Equivalence

assert.deepStrictEqual(PersonEquivalence({ name: "John", age: 25 }, { name: "John", age: 25 }), true)
assert.deepStrictEqual(PersonEquivalence({ name: "John", age: 25 }, { name: "John", age: 40 }), false)

Added in v2.0.0


This function creates and returns a new Order for a struct of values based on the given Orders for each property in the struct.

Alias of {@link order.struct}.


export declare const getOrder: <R extends { readonly [x: string]: order.Order<any> }>(
  fields: R
) => order.Order<{ [K in keyof R]: [R[K]] extends [order.Order<infer A>] ? A : never }>

Added in v2.0.0



Transforms the values of a Struct provided a transformation function for each key. If no transformation function is provided for a key, it will return the origional value for that key.


export declare const evolve: {
  <O, T>(
    t: PartialTransform<O, T>
  ): (obj: O) => {
    [K in keyof O]: K extends keyof T ? (T[K] extends (...a: any) => any ? ReturnType<T[K]> : O[K]) : O[K]
  <O, T>(
    obj: O,
    t: PartialTransform<O, T>
  ): { [K in keyof O]: K extends keyof T ? (T[K] extends (...a: any) => any ? ReturnType<T[K]> : O[K]) : O[K] }


import { pipe, Struct } from "effect"

    { a: "a", b: 1, c: 3 },
      a: (a) => a.length,
      b: (b) => b * 2
  { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

Added in v2.0.0


Retrieves the value associated with the specified key from a struct.


export declare const get: <K extends PropertyKey>(
  key: K
) => <S extends { [P in K]?: any }>(s: S) => MatchRecord<S, S[K] | undefined, S[K]>


import { pipe, Struct } from "effect"

const value = pipe({ a: 1, b: 2 }, Struct.get("a"))

assert.deepStrictEqual(value, 1)

Added in v2.0.0


Create a new object by omitting properties of an existing object.


export declare const omit: {
  <Keys extends PropertyKey[]>(
    ...keys: Keys
  ): <S extends { [K in Keys[number]]?: any }>(s: S) => Simplify<Omit<S, Keys[number]>>
  <S extends object, Keys extends (keyof S)[]>(s: S, ...keys: Keys): Simplify<Omit<S, Keys[number]>>


import { pipe, Struct } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe({ a: "a", b: 1, c: true }, Struct.omit("c")), { a: "a", b: 1 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Struct.omit({ a: "a", b: 1, c: true }, "c"), { a: "a", b: 1 })

Added in v2.0.0


Create a new object by picking properties of an existing object.


export declare const pick: {
  <Keys extends PropertyKey[]>(
    ...keys: Keys
  ): <S extends { [K in Keys[number]]?: any }>(
    s: S
  ) => MatchRecord<S, { [K in Keys[number]]?: S[K] | undefined }, Simplify<Pick<S, Keys[number]>>>
  <S extends object, Keys extends (keyof S)[]>(
    s: S,
    ...keys: Keys
  ): MatchRecord<S, { [K in Keys[number]]?: S[K] | undefined }, Simplify<Pick<S, Keys[number]>>>


import { pipe, Struct } from "effect"

assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe({ a: "a", b: 1, c: true }, Struct.pick("a", "b")), { a: "a", b: 1 })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Struct.pick({ a: "a", b: 1, c: true }, "a", "b"), { a: "a", b: 1 })

Added in v2.0.0