STM overview
Added in v2.0.0
Table of contents
- constructors
- acquireUseRelease
- all
- attempt
- check
- cond
- context
- contextWith
- contextWithSTM
- die
- dieMessage
- dieSync
- every
- exists
- fail
- failSync
- fiberId
- filter
- filterNot
- fromEither
- fromOption
- gen
- interrupt
- interruptAs
- iterate
- loop
- mergeAll
- reduce
- reduceAll
- reduceRight
- replicate
- replicateSTM
- replicateSTMDiscard
- succeed
- succeedNone
- succeedSome
- suspend
- sync
- try
- void
- context
- destructors
- do notation
- elements
- error handling
- filtering
- finalization
- folding
- getters
- mapping
- models
- mutations
- refinements
- sequencing
- symbols
- traversing
- type lambdas
- utils
- zipping
Treats the specified acquire
transaction as the acquisition of a resource. The acquire
transaction will be executed interruptibly. If it is a success and is committed the specified release
workflow will be executed uninterruptibly as soon as the use
workflow completes execution.
export declare const acquireUseRelease: {
<A, A2, E2, R2, A3, E3, R3>(
use: (resource: A) => STM<A2, E2, R2>,
release: (resource: A) => STM<A3, E3, R3>
): <E, R>(acquire: STM<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A2, E2 | E3 | E, R2 | R3 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2, A3, E3, R3>(
acquire: STM<A, E, R>,
use: (resource: A) => STM<A2, E2, R2>,
release: (resource: A) => STM<A3, E3, R3>
): Effect.Effect<A2, E | E2 | E3, R | R2 | R3>
Added in v2.0.0
Runs all the provided transactional effects in sequence respecting the structure provided in input.
Supports multiple arguments, a single argument tuple / array or record / struct.
export declare const all: All.Signature
Added in v2.0.0
Creates an STM
value from a partial (but pure) function.
export declare const attempt: <A>(evaluate: LazyArg<A>) => STM<A, unknown>
Added in v2.0.0
Checks the condition, and if it’s true, returns unit, otherwise, retries.
export declare const check: (predicate: LazyArg<boolean>) => STM<void>
Added in v2.0.0
Similar to Either.cond, evaluate the predicate, return the given A as success if predicate returns true, and the given E as error otherwise
export declare const cond: <A, E>(predicate: LazyArg<boolean>, error: LazyArg<E>, result: LazyArg<A>) => STM<A, E>
Added in v2.0.0
Retrieves the environment inside an stm.
export declare const context: <R>() => STM<Context.Context<R>, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Accesses the environment of the transaction to perform a transaction.
export declare const contextWith: <R0, R>(f: (environment: Context.Context<R0>) => R) => STM<R, never, R0>
Added in v2.0.0
Accesses the environment of the transaction to perform a transaction.
export declare const contextWithSTM: <R0, A, E, R>(
f: (environment: Context.Context<R0>) => STM<A, E, R>
) => STM<A, E, R0 | R>
Added in v2.0.0
Fails the transactional effect with the specified defect.
export declare const die: (defect: unknown) => STM<never>
Added in v2.0.0
Kills the fiber running the effect with a Cause.RuntimeException
that contains the specified message.
export declare const dieMessage: (message: string) => STM<never>
Added in v2.0.0
Fails the transactional effect with the specified lazily evaluated defect.
export declare const dieSync: (evaluate: LazyArg<unknown>) => STM<never>
Added in v2.0.0
Determines whether all elements of the Iterable<A>
satisfy the effectual predicate.
export declare const every: {
<A, R, E>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>
<A, R, E>(iterable: Iterable<A>, predicate: (a: A) => STM<boolean, E, R>): STM<boolean, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Determines whether any element of the Iterable[A]
satisfies the effectual predicate f
export declare const exists: {
<A, R, E>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>
<A, R, E>(iterable: Iterable<A>, predicate: (a: A) => STM<boolean, E, R>): STM<boolean, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Fails the transactional effect with the specified error.
export declare const fail: <E>(error: E) => STM<never, E>
Added in v2.0.0
Fails the transactional effect with the specified lazily evaluated error.
export declare const failSync: <E>(evaluate: LazyArg<E>) => STM<never, E>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns the fiber id of the fiber committing the transaction.
export declare const fiberId: STM<FiberId.FiberId, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate.
export declare const filter: {
<A, R, E>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<Array<A>, E, R>
<A, R, E>(iterable: Iterable<A>, predicate: (a: A) => STM<boolean, E, R>): STM<Array<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.
export declare const filterNot: {
<A, R, E>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<boolean, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<Array<A>, E, R>
<A, R, E>(iterable: Iterable<A>, predicate: (a: A) => STM<boolean, E, R>): STM<Array<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Lifts an Either
into a STM
export declare const fromEither: <A, E>(either: Either.Either<A, E>) => STM<A, E>
Added in v2.0.0
Lifts an Option
into a STM
export declare const fromOption: <A>(option: Option.Option<A>) => STM<A, Option.Option<never>>
Added in v2.0.0
export declare const gen: <Self, Eff extends YieldWrap<STM<any, any, any>>, AEff>(
| [self: Self, body: (this: Self, resume: Adapter) => Generator<Eff, AEff, never>]
| [body: (resume: Adapter) => Generator<Eff, AEff, never>]
) => STM<
[Eff] extends [never] ? never : [Eff] extends [YieldWrap<STM<infer _A, infer E, infer _R>>] ? E : never,
[Eff] extends [never] ? never : [Eff] extends [YieldWrap<STM<infer _A, infer _E, infer R>>] ? R : never
Added in v2.0.0
Interrupts the fiber running the effect.
export declare const interrupt: STM<never, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
Interrupts the fiber running the effect with the specified FiberId
export declare const interruptAs: (fiberId: FiberId.FiberId) => STM<never>
Added in v2.0.0
Iterates with the specified transactional function. The moral equivalent of:
const s = initial
while (cont(s)) {
s = body(s)
return s
export declare const iterate: <Z, E, R>(
initial: Z,
options: { readonly while: Predicate<Z>; readonly body: (z: Z) => STM<Z, E, R> }
) => STM<Z, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Loops with the specified transactional function, collecting the results into a list. The moral equivalent of:
const as = []
let s = initial
while (cont(s)) {
s = inc(s)
return as
export declare const loop: {
<Z, A, E, R>(
initial: Z,
options: {
readonly while: (z: Z) => boolean
readonly step: (z: Z) => Z
readonly body: (z: Z) => STM<A, E, R>
readonly discard?: false | undefined
): STM<Array<A>, E, R>
<Z, A, E, R>(
initial: Z,
options: {
readonly while: (z: Z) => boolean
readonly step: (z: Z) => Z
readonly body: (z: Z) => STM<A, E, R>
readonly discard: true
): STM<void, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Merges an Iterable<STM>
to a single STM
, working sequentially.
export declare const mergeAll: {
<A2, A>(zero: A2, f: (a2: A2, a: A) => A2): <E, R>(iterable: Iterable<STM<A, E, R>>) => STM<A2, E, R>
<A, E, R, A2>(iterable: Iterable<STM<A, E, R>>, zero: A2, f: (a2: A2, a: A) => A2): STM<A2, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Folds an Iterable<A>
using an effectual function f, working sequentially from left to right.
export declare const reduce: {
<S, A, E, R>(zero: S, f: (s: S, a: A) => STM<S, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<S, E, R>
<S, A, E, R>(iterable: Iterable<A>, zero: S, f: (s: S, a: A) => STM<S, E, R>): STM<S, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Reduces an Iterable<STM>
to a single STM
, working sequentially.
export declare const reduceAll: {
<A, E2, R2>(
initial: STM<A, E2, R2>,
f: (x: A, y: A) => A
): <E, R>(iterable: Iterable<STM<A, E, R>>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, E2, R2>(
iterable: Iterable<STM<A, E, R>>,
initial: STM<A, E2, R2>,
f: (x: A, y: A) => A
): STM<A, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Folds an Iterable<A>
using an effectual function f, working sequentially from right to left.
export declare const reduceRight: {
<S, A, R, E>(zero: S, f: (s: S, a: A) => STM<S, E, R>): (iterable: Iterable<A>) => STM<S, E, R>
<S, A, R, E>(iterable: Iterable<A>, zero: S, f: (s: S, a: A) => STM<S, E, R>): STM<S, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Replicates the given effect n times. If 0 or negative numbers are given, an empty Chunk
will be returned.
export declare const replicate: {
(n: number): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => Array<STM<A, E, R>>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, n: number): Array<STM<A, E, R>>
Added in v2.0.0
Performs this transaction the specified number of times and collects the results.
export declare const replicateSTM: {
(n: number): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Array<A>, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, n: number): STM<Array<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Performs this transaction the specified number of times, discarding the results.
export declare const replicateSTMDiscard: {
(n: number): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<void, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, n: number): STM<void, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an STM
effect that succeeds with the specified value.
export declare const succeed: <A>(value: A) => STM<A>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an effect with the empty value.
export declare const succeedNone: STM<Option.Option<never>, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an effect with the optional value.
export declare const succeedSome: <A>(value: A) => STM<Option.Option<A>>
Added in v2.0.0
Suspends creation of the specified transaction lazily.
export declare const suspend: <A, E, R>(evaluate: LazyArg<STM<A, E, R>>) => STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an STM
effect that succeeds with the specified lazily evaluated value.
export declare const sync: <A>(evaluate: () => A) => STM<A>
Added in v2.0.0
Imports a synchronous side-effect into a pure value, translating any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects.
export declare const try: { <A, E>(options: { readonly try: LazyArg<A>; readonly catch: (u: unknown) => E; }): STM<A, E>; <A>(try_: LazyArg<A>): STM<A, unknown>; }
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an STM
effect that succeeds with void
export declare const void: STM<void, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
Transforms the environment being provided to this effect with the specified function.
export declare const mapInputContext: {
<R0, R>(f: (context: Context.Context<R0>) => Context.Context<R>): <A, E>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R0>
<A, E, R0, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (context: Context.Context<R0>) => Context.Context<R>): STM<A, E, R0>
Added in v2.0.0
Provides the transaction its required environment, which eliminates its dependency on R
export declare const provideContext: {
<R>(env: Context.Context<R>): <A, E>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, env: Context.Context<R>): STM<A, E>
Added in v2.0.0
Provides the effect with the single service it requires. If the transactional effect requires more than one service use provideEnvironment
export declare const provideService: {
<T extends Context.Tag<any, any>>(
tag: T,
resource: Context.Tag.Service<T>
): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, Exclude<R, Context.Tag.Identifier<T>>>
<A, E, R, T extends Context.Tag<any, any>>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
tag: T,
resource: Context.Tag.Service<T>
): STM<A, E, Exclude<R, Context.Tag.Identifier<T>>>
Added in v2.0.0
Provides the effect with the single service it requires. If the transactional effect requires more than one service use provideEnvironment
export declare const provideServiceSTM: {
<T extends Context.Tag<any, any>, E1, R1>(
tag: T,
stm: STM<Context.Tag.Service<T>, E1, R1>
): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E1 | E, R1 | Exclude<R, Context.Tag.Identifier<T>>>
<A, E, R, T extends Context.Tag<any, any>, E1, R1>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
tag: T,
stm: STM<Context.Tag.Service<T>, E1, R1>
): STM<A, E | E1, R1 | Exclude<R, Context.Tag.Identifier<T>>>
Added in v2.0.0
Splits the context into two parts, providing one part using the specified layer and leaving the remainder R0
export declare const provideSomeContext: {
<R>(context: Context.Context<R>): <R1, E, A>(self: STM<A, E, R1>) => STM<A, E, Exclude<R1, R>>
<R, R1, E, A>(self: STM<A, E, R1>, context: Context.Context<R>): STM<A, E, Exclude<R1, R>>
Added in v2.0.0
Commits this transaction atomically.
export declare const commit: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Commits this transaction atomically, regardless of whether the transaction is a success or a failure.
export declare const commitEither: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
do notation
export declare const Do: STM<{}, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
export declare const bind: {
<N extends string, K, A, E2, R2>(
tag: Exclude<N, keyof K>,
f: (_: K) => STM<A, E2, R2>
): <E, R>(self: STM<K, E, R>) => STM<MergeRecord<K, { [k in N]: A }>, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<K, E, R, N extends string, A, E2, R2>(
self: STM<K, E, R>,
tag: Exclude<N, keyof K>,
f: (_: K) => STM<A, E2, R2>
): STM<MergeRecord<K, { [k in N]: A }>, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
export declare const bindTo: {
<N extends string>(tag: N): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Record<N, A>, E, R>
<A, E, R, N extends string>(self: STM<A, E, R>, tag: N): STM<Record<N, A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
export declare const let: {
<N extends string, K, A>(
tag: Exclude<N, keyof K>,
f: (_: K) => A
): <E, R>(self: STM<K, E, R>) => STM<MergeRecord<K, { [k in N]: A }>, E, R>
<K, E, R, N extends string, A>(
self: STM<K, E, R>,
tag: Exclude<N, keyof K>,
f: (_: K) => A
): STM<MergeRecord<K, { [k in N]: A }>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
This function takes an iterable of STM
values and returns a new STM
value that represents the first STM
value in the iterable that succeeds. If all of the Effect
values in the iterable fail, then the resulting STM
value will fail as well.
This function is sequential, meaning that the STM
values in the iterable will be executed in sequence, and the first one that succeeds will determine the outcome of the resulting STM
export declare const firstSuccessOf: <A, E, R>(effects: Iterable<STM<A, E, R>>) => STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
error handling
Recovers from all errors.
export declare const catchAll: {
<E, B, E1, R1>(f: (e: E) => STM<B, E1, R1>): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B | A, E1, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, B, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (e: E) => STM<B, E1, R1>): STM<A | B, E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Recovers from some or all of the error cases.
export declare const catchSome: {
<E, A2, E2, R2>(
pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<STM<A2, E2, R2>>
): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2 | A, E | E2, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<STM<A2, E2, R2>>
): STM<A | A2, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Recovers from the specified tagged error.
export declare const catchTag: {
<K extends E["_tag"] & string, E extends { _tag: string }, A1, E1, R1>(
k: K,
f: (e: Extract<E, { _tag: K }>) => STM<A1, E1, R1>
): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A1 | A, E1 | Exclude<E, { _tag: K }>, R1 | R>
<A, E extends { _tag: string }, R, K extends E["_tag"] & string, A1, E1, R1>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
k: K,
f: (e: Extract<E, { _tag: K }>) => STM<A1, E1, R1>
): STM<A | A1, E1 | Exclude<E, { _tag: K }>, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Recovers from multiple tagged errors.
export declare const catchTags: {
E extends { _tag: string },
Cases extends { [K in E["_tag"]]+?: (error: Extract<E, { _tag: K }>) => STM<any, any, any> }
cases: Cases
): <A, R>(
self: STM<A, E, R>
) => STM<
| A
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<infer A, any, any> ? A : never }[keyof Cases],
| Exclude<E, { _tag: keyof Cases }>
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<any, infer E, any> ? E : never }[keyof Cases],
| R
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<any, any, infer R> ? R : never }[keyof Cases]
E extends { _tag: string },
Cases extends { [K in E["_tag"]]+?: (error: Extract<E, { _tag: K }>) => STM<any, any, any> }
self: STM<A, E, R>,
cases: Cases
): STM<
| A
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<infer A, any, any> ? A : never }[keyof Cases],
| Exclude<E, { _tag: keyof Cases }>
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<any, infer E, any> ? E : never }[keyof Cases],
| R
| { [K in keyof Cases]: Cases[K] extends (...args: Array<any>) => STM<any, any, infer R> ? R : never }[keyof Cases]
Added in v2.0.0
Translates STM
effect failure into death of the fiber, making all failures unchecked and not a part of the type of the effect.
export declare const orDie: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Keeps none of the errors, and terminates the fiber running the STM
effect with them, using the specified function to convert the E
into a defect.
export declare const orDieWith: {
<E>(f: (error: E) => unknown): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, never, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (error: E) => unknown): STM<A, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Tries this effect first, and if it fails or retries, tries the other effect.
export declare const orElse: {
<A2, E2, R2>(that: LazyArg<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2 | A, E2, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: LazyArg<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): STM<A | A2, E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns a transactional effect that will produce the value of this effect in left side, unless it fails or retries, in which case, it will produce the value of the specified effect in right side.
export declare const orElseEither: {
<A2, E2, R2>(that: LazyArg<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Either.Either<A2, A>, E2, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: LazyArg<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): STM<Either.Either<A2, A>, E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Tries this effect first, and if it fails or retries, fails with the specified error.
export declare const orElseFail: {
<E2>(error: LazyArg<E2>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, error: LazyArg<E2>): STM<A, E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an effect that will produce the value of this effect, unless it fails with the None
value, in which case it will produce the value of the specified effect.
export declare const orElseOptional: {
<A2, E2, R2>(
that: LazyArg<STM<A2, Option.Option<E2>, R2>>
): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>) => STM<A2 | A, Option.Option<E2 | E>, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(
self: STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>,
that: LazyArg<STM<A2, Option.Option<E2>, R2>>
): STM<A | A2, Option.Option<E | E2>, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Tries this effect first, and if it fails or retries, succeeds with the specified value.
export declare const orElseSucceed: {
<A2>(value: LazyArg<A2>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2 | A, never, R>
<A, E, R, A2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, value: LazyArg<A2>): STM<A | A2, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Tries this effect first, and if it enters retry, then it tries the other effect. This is an equivalent of Haskell’s orElse.
export declare const orTry: {
<A1, E1, R1>(that: LazyArg<STM<A1, E1, R1>>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A1 | A, E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: LazyArg<STM<A1, E1, R1>>): STM<A | A1, E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Abort and retry the whole transaction when any of the underlying transactional variables have changed.
export declare const retry: STM<never, never, never>
Added in v2.0.0
Dies with specified defect if the predicate fails.
export declare const filterOrDie: {
<A, B extends A>(
refinement: Refinement<NoInfer<A>, B>,
defect: LazyArg<unknown>
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, E, R>
<A>(predicate: Predicate<NoInfer<A>>, defect: LazyArg<unknown>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R, B extends A>(self: STM<A, E, R>, refinement: Refinement<A, B>, defect: LazyArg<unknown>): STM<B, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>, defect: LazyArg<unknown>): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Dies with a Cause.RuntimeException
having the specified message if the predicate fails.
export declare const filterOrDieMessage: {
<A, B extends A>(refinement: Refinement<NoInfer<A>, B>, message: string): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, E, R>
<A>(predicate: Predicate<NoInfer<A>>, message: string): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R, B extends A>(self: STM<A, E, R>, refinement: Refinement<A, B>, message: string): STM<B, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>, message: string): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Supplies orElse
if the predicate fails.
export declare const filterOrElse: {
<A, B extends A, C, E2, R2>(
refinement: Refinement<NoInfer<A>, B>,
orElse: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<C, E2, R2>
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B | C, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, B, E2, R2>(
predicate: Predicate<NoInfer<A>>,
orElse: (a: NoInfer<A>) => STM<B, E2, R2>
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A | B, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, B extends A, C, E2, R2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
refinement: Refinement<A, B>,
orElse: (a: A) => STM<C, E2, R2>
): STM<B | C, E | E2, R | R2>
<A, E, R, B, E2, R2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
predicate: Predicate<A>,
orElse: (a: A) => STM<B, E2, R2>
): STM<A | B, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Fails with the specified error if the predicate fails.
export declare const filterOrFail: {
<A, B extends A, E2>(
refinement: Refinement<NoInfer<A>, B>,
orFailWith: (a: NoInfer<A>) => E2
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, E2 | E, R>
<A, E2>(
predicate: Predicate<NoInfer<A>>,
orFailWith: (a: NoInfer<A>) => E2
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R>
<A, E, R, B extends A, E2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
refinement: Refinement<A, B>,
orFailWith: (a: A) => E2
): STM<B, E | E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>, orFailWith: (a: A) => E2): STM<A, E | E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Executes the specified finalization transaction whether or not this effect succeeds. Note that as with all STM transactions, if the full transaction fails, everything will be rolled back.
export declare const ensuring: {
<R1, B>(finalizer: STM<B, never, R1>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, R1, B>(self: STM<A, E, R>, finalizer: STM<B, never, R1>): STM<A, E, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Folds over the STM
effect, handling both failure and success, but not retry.
export declare const match: {
<E, A2, A, A3>(options: {
readonly onFailure: (error: E) => A2
readonly onSuccess: (value: A) => A3
}): <R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2 | A3, never, R>
<A, E, R, A2, A3>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
options: { readonly onFailure: (error: E) => A2; readonly onSuccess: (value: A) => A3 }
): STM<A2 | A3, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Effectfully folds over the STM
effect, handling both failure and success.
export declare const matchSTM: {
<E, A1, E1, R1, A, A2, E2, R2>(options: {
readonly onFailure: (e: E) => STM<A1, E1, R1>
readonly onSuccess: (a: A) => STM<A2, E2, R2>
}): <R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A1 | A2, E1 | E2, R1 | R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1, A2, E2, R2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
options: { readonly onFailure: (e: E) => STM<A1, E1, R1>; readonly onSuccess: (a: A) => STM<A2, E2, R2> }
): STM<A1 | A2, E1 | E2, R | R1 | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns a successful effect with the head of the list if the list is non-empty or fails with the error None
if the list is empty.
export declare const head: <A, E, R>(self: STM<Iterable<A>, E, R>) => STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns whether this transactional effect is a failure.
export declare const isFailure: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<boolean, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns whether this transactional effect is a success.
export declare const isSuccess: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<boolean, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Converts an option on values into an option on errors.
export declare const some: <A, E, R>(self: STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>) => STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Converts an option on errors into an option on values.
export declare const unsome: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps the success value of this effect to the specified constant value.
export declare const as: {
<A2>(value: A2): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E, R>
<A, E, R, A2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, value: A2): STM<A2, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps the success value of this effect to an optional value.
export declare const asSome: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps the error value of this effect to an optional value.
export declare const asSomeError: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, Option.Option<E>, R>
Added in v2.0.0
This function maps the success value of an STM
to void
. If the original STM
succeeds, the returned STM
will also succeed. If the original STM
fails, the returned STM
will fail with the same error.
export declare const asVoid: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<void, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps the value produced by the effect.
export declare const map: {
<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, E, R>
<A, E, R, B>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (a: A) => B): STM<B, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps the value produced by the effect with the specified function that may throw exceptions but is otherwise pure, translating any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects.
export declare const mapAttempt: {
<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, unknown, R>
<A, E, R, B>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (a: A) => B): STM<B, unknown, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an STM
effect whose failure and success channels have been mapped by the specified pair of functions, f
and g
export declare const mapBoth: {
<E, E2, A, A2>(options: {
readonly onFailure: (error: E) => E2
readonly onSuccess: (value: A) => A2
}): <R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2, A2>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
options: { readonly onFailure: (error: E) => E2; readonly onSuccess: (value: A) => A2 }
): STM<A2, E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Maps from one error type to another.
export declare const mapError: {
<E, E2>(f: (error: E) => E2): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (error: E) => E2): STM<A, E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Adapter (interface)
export interface Adapter {
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>): STM<A, E, R>
<A, _R, _E, _A>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => STM<_A, _E, _R>): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, _R, _E, _A>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => STM<_A, _E, _R>): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, _R, _E, _A>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => STM<_A, _E, _R>): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: F) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (g: H) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => P,
pq: (p: P) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => P,
pq: (p: P) => Q,
qr: (q: Q) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => P,
pq: (p: P) => Q,
qr: (q: Q) => R,
rs: (r: R) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => P,
pq: (p: P) => Q,
qr: (q: Q) => R,
rs: (r: R) => S,
st: (s: S) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, _R, _E, _A>(
a: A,
ab: (a: A) => B,
bc: (b: B) => C,
cd: (c: C) => D,
de: (d: D) => E,
ef: (e: E) => F,
fg: (f: F) => G,
gh: (g: G) => H,
hi: (h: H) => I,
ij: (i: I) => J,
jk: (j: J) => K,
kl: (k: K) => L,
lm: (l: L) => M,
mn: (m: M) => N,
no: (n: N) => O,
op: (o: O) => P,
pq: (p: P) => Q,
qr: (q: Q) => R,
rs: (r: R) => S,
st: (s: S) => T,
tu: (s: T) => STM<_A, _E, _R>
): STM<_A, _E, _R>
Added in v2.0.0
STM (interface)
STM<A, E, R>
represents an effect that can be performed transactionally, resulting in a failure E
or a value A
that may require an environment R
to execute.
Software Transactional Memory is a technique which allows composition of arbitrary atomic operations. It is the software analog of transactions in database systems.
The API is lifted directly from the Haskell package Control.Concurrent.STM although the implementation does not resemble the Haskell one at all.
STM in Haskell was introduced in:
Composable memory transactions, by Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Maurice Herlihy, in ACM Conference on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming 2005.
See also: Lock Free Data Structures using STMs in Haskell, by Anthony Discolo, Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, Satnam Singh) FLOPS 2006: Eighth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Fuji Susono, JAPAN, April 2006
The implemtation is based on the ZIO STM module, while JS environments have no race conditions from multiple threads STM provides greater benefits for synchronization of Fibers and transactional data-types can be quite useful.
export interface STM<out A, out E = never, out R = never>
extends Effect.Effect<A, E, R>,
STM.Variance<A, E, R>,
Pipeable {
[Unify.typeSymbol]?: unknown
[Unify.unifySymbol]?: STMUnify<this>
[Unify.ignoreSymbol]?: STMUnifyIgnore
[Symbol.iterator](): Effect.EffectGenerator<STM<A, E, R>>
Added in v2.0.0
STMUnify (interface)
export interface STMUnify<A extends { [Unify.typeSymbol]?: any }> extends Effect.EffectUnify<A> {
STM?: () => A[Unify.typeSymbol] extends STM<infer A0, infer E0, infer R0> | infer _ ? STM<R0, E0, A0> : never
Added in v2.0.0
STMUnifyIgnore (interface)
export interface STMUnifyIgnore extends Effect.EffectUnifyIgnore {
Effect?: true
Added in v2.0.0
Simultaneously filters and maps the value produced by this effect.
export declare const collect: {
<A, A2>(pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<A2>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E, R>
<A, E, R, A2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<A2>): STM<A2, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Simultaneously filters and maps the value produced by this effect.
export declare const collectSTM: {
<A, A2, E2, R2>(pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<STM<A2, E2, R2>>): STM<A2, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Converts the failure channel into an Either
export declare const either: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Either.Either<A, E>, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns an effect that ignores errors and runs repeatedly until it eventually succeeds.
export declare const eventually: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Flips the success and failure channels of this transactional effect. This allows you to use all methods on the error channel, possibly before flipping back.
export declare const flip: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<E, A, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Swaps the error/value parameters, applies the function f
and flips the parameters back
export declare const flipWith: {
<E, A, R, E2, A2, R2>(f: (stm: STM<E, A, R>) => STM<E2, A2, R2>): (self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A | A2, E | E2, R | R2>
<A, E, R, E2, A2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (stm: STM<E, A, R>) => STM<E2, A2, R2>): STM<A | A2, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Runs onTrue
if the result of b
is true
and onFalse
export declare const if: { <A, E1, R1, A2, E2, R2>(options: { readonly onTrue: STM<A, E1, R1>; readonly onFalse: STM<A2, E2, R2>; }): <E = never, R = never>(self: boolean | STM<boolean, E, R>) => STM<A | A2, E1 | E2 | E, R1 | R2 | R>; <A, E1, R1, A2, E2, R2, E = never, R = never>(self: boolean, options: { readonly onTrue: STM<A, E1, R1>; readonly onFalse: STM<A2, E2, R2>; }): STM<A | A2, E1 | E2 | E, R1 | R2 | R>; <E, R, A, E1, R1, A2, E2, R2>(self: STM<boolean, E, R>, options: { readonly onTrue: STM<A, E1, R1>; readonly onFalse: STM<A2, E2, R2>; }): STM<A | A2, E | E1 | E2, R | R1 | R2>; }
Added in v2.0.0
Returns a new effect that ignores the success or failure of this effect.
export declare const ignore: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<void, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns a new effect where the error channel has been merged into the success channel to their common combined type.
export declare const merge: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<E | A, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns a new effect where boolean value of this effect is negated.
export declare const negate: <E, R>(self: STM<boolean, E, R>) => STM<boolean, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Requires the option produced by this value to be None
export declare const none: <A, E, R>(self: STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>) => STM<void, Option.Option<E>, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Converts the failure channel into an Option
export declare const option: <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Keeps some of the errors, and terminates the fiber with the rest.
export declare const refineOrDie: {
<E, E2>(pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>): STM<A, E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Keeps some of the errors, and terminates the fiber with the rest, using the specified function to convert the E
into a Throwable
export declare const refineOrDieWith: {
<E, E2>(pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>, f: (error: E) => unknown): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>, f: (error: E) => unknown): STM<A, E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Fail with the returned value if the PartialFunction
matches, otherwise continue with our held value.
export declare const reject: {
<A, E2>(pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<E2>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R>
<A, E, R, E2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<E2>): STM<A, E | E2, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Continue with the returned computation if the specified partial function matches, translating the successful match into a failure, otherwise continue with our held value.
export declare const rejectSTM: {
<A, E2, R2>(pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<STM<E2, E2, R2>>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, pf: (a: A) => Option.Option<STM<E2, E2, R2>>): STM<A, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Repeats this STM
effect until its result satisfies the specified predicate.
WARNING: repeatUntil
uses a busy loop to repeat the effect and will consume a thread until it completes (it cannot yield). This is because STM describes a single atomic transaction which must either complete, retry or fail a transaction before yielding back to the Effect runtime.
- Use
instead if you don’t need to maintain transaction state for repeats. - Ensure repeating the STM effect will eventually satisfy the predicate.
export declare const repeatUntil: {
<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Repeats this STM
effect while its result satisfies the specified predicate.
WARNING: repeatWhile
uses a busy loop to repeat the effect and will consume a thread until it completes (it cannot yield). This is because STM describes a single atomic transaction which must either complete, retry or fail a transaction before yielding back to the Effect runtime.
- Use
instead if you don’t need to maintain transaction state for repeats. - Ensure repeating the STM effect will eventually not satisfy the predicate.
export declare const repeatWhile: {
<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Filters the value produced by this effect, retrying the transaction until the predicate returns true
for the value.
export declare const retryUntil: {
<A, B extends A>(refinement: Refinement<NoInfer<A>, B>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<B, E, R>
<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R, B extends A>(self: STM<A, E, R>, refinement: Refinement<A, B>): STM<B, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Filters the value produced by this effect, retrying the transaction while the predicate returns true
for the value.
export declare const retryWhile: {
<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: Predicate<A>): STM<A, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Summarizes a STM
effect by computing a provided value before and after execution, and then combining the values to produce a summary, together with the result of execution.
export declare const summarized: {
<A2, E2, R2, A3>(
summary: STM<A2, E2, R2>,
f: (before: A2, after: A2) => A3
): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<[A3, A], E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E2, R2, A3>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
summary: STM<A2, E2, R2>,
f: (before: A2, after: A2) => A3
): STM<[A3, A], E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp
export declare const unless: {
(predicate: LazyArg<boolean>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: LazyArg<boolean>): STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp
when p
has side-effects
export declare const unlessSTM: {
<E2, R2>(predicate: STM<boolean, E2, R2>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: STM<boolean, E2, R2>): STM<Option.Option<A>, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Feeds elements of type A
to f
and accumulates all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.
This combinator is lossy meaning that if there are errors all successes will be lost. To retain all information please use STM.partition
export declare const validateAll: {
<A, B, E, R>(f: (a: A) => STM<B, E, R>): (elements: Iterable<A>) => STM<Array<B>, [E, ...Array<E>], R>
<A, B, E, R>(elements: Iterable<A>, f: (a: A) => STM<B, E, R>): STM<Array<B>, [E, ...Array<E>], R>
Added in v2.0.0
Feeds elements of type A
to f
until it succeeds. Returns first success or the accumulation of all errors.
export declare const validateFirst: {
<A, B, E, R>(f: (a: A) => STM<B, E, R>): (elements: Iterable<A>) => STM<B, Array<E>, R>
<A, B, E, R>(elements: Iterable<A>, f: (a: A) => STM<B, E, R>): STM<B, Array<E>, R>
Added in v2.0.0
The moral equivalent of if (p) exp
export declare const when: {
(predicate: LazyArg<boolean>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
<A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: LazyArg<boolean>): STM<Option.Option<A>, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
The moral equivalent of if (p) exp
when p
has side-effects.
export declare const whenSTM: {
<E2, R2>(predicate: STM<boolean, E2, R2>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<Option.Option<A>, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, predicate: STM<boolean, E2, R2>): STM<Option.Option<A>, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
Returns true
if the provided value is an STM
, false
export declare const isSTM: (u: unknown) => u is STM<unknown, unknown, unknown>
Added in v2.0.0
Feeds the value produced by this effect to the specified function, and then runs the returned effect as well to produce its results.
export declare const flatMap: {
<A, A2, E1, R1>(f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E1, R1>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A2, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E1, R1>): STM<A2, E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Flattens out a nested STM
export declare const flatten: <A, E2, R2, E, R>(self: STM<STM<A, E2, R2>, E, R>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R2 | R>
Added in v2.0.0
“Peeks” at the success of transactional effect.
export declare const tap: {
<A, X, E2, R2>(f: (a: A) => STM<X, E2, R2>): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E2 | E, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, X, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (a: A) => STM<X, E2, R2>): STM<A, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
“Peeks” at both sides of an transactional effect.
export declare const tapBoth: {
<XE extends E, A2, E2, R2, XA extends A, A3, E3, R3, A, E>(options: {
readonly onFailure: (error: XE) => STM<A2, E2, R2>
readonly onSuccess: (value: XA) => STM<A3, E3, R3>
}): <R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E | E2 | E3, R2 | R3 | R>
<A, E, R, XE extends E, A2, E2, R2, XA extends A, A3, E3, R3>(
self: STM<A, E, R>,
options: { readonly onFailure: (error: XE) => STM<A2, E2, R2>; readonly onSuccess: (value: XA) => STM<A3, E3, R3> }
): STM<A, E | E2 | E3, R | R2 | R3>
Added in v2.0.0
“Peeks” at the error of the transactional effect.
export declare const tapError: {
<E, X, E2, R2>(f: (error: NoInfer<E>) => STM<X, E2, R2>): <A, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E | E2, R2 | R>
<A, E, R, X, E2, R2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, f: (error: E) => STM<X, E2, R2>): STM<A, E | E2, R | R2>
Added in v2.0.0
export declare const STMTypeId: typeof STMTypeId
Added in v2.0.0
STMTypeId (type alias)
export type STMTypeId = typeof STMTypeId
Added in v2.0.0
Applies the function f
to each element of the Iterable<A>
and returns a transactional effect that produces a new Chunk<A2>
export declare const forEach: {
<A, A2, E, R>(
f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>,
options?: { readonly discard?: false | undefined } | undefined
): (elements: Iterable<A>) => STM<Array<A2>, E, R>
<A, A2, E, R>(
f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>,
options: { readonly discard: true }
): (elements: Iterable<A>) => STM<void, E, R>
<A, A2, E, R>(
elements: Iterable<A>,
f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>,
options?: { readonly discard?: false | undefined } | undefined
): STM<Array<A2>, E, R>
<A, A2, E, R>(elements: Iterable<A>, f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>, options: { readonly discard: true }): STM<void, E, R>
Added in v2.0.0
Feeds elements of type A
to a function f
that returns an effect. Collects all successes and failures in a tupled fashion.
export declare const partition: {
<A, A2, E, R>(
f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>
): (elements: Iterable<A>) => STM<[excluded: Array<E>, satisfying: Array<A2>], never, R>
<A, A2, E, R>(
elements: Iterable<A>,
f: (a: A) => STM<A2, E, R>
): STM<[excluded: Array<E>, satisfying: Array<A2>], never, R>
Added in v2.0.0
type lambdas
STMTypeLambda (interface)
export interface STMTypeLambda extends TypeLambda {
readonly type: STM<this["Target"], this["Out1"], this["Out2"]>
Added in v2.0.0
All (namespace)
Added in v2.0.0
Signature (interface)
export interface Signature {
<Arg extends ReadonlyArray<STMAny> | Iterable<STMAny> | Record<string, STMAny>, O extends Options>(
arg: Narrow<Arg>,
options?: O
): [Arg] extends [ReadonlyArray<STMAny>]
? ReturnTuple<Arg, IsDiscard<O>>
: [Arg] extends [Iterable<STMAny>]
? ReturnIterable<Arg, IsDiscard<O>>
: [Arg] extends [Record<string, STMAny>]
? ReturnObject<Arg, IsDiscard<O>>
: never
Added in v2.0.0
Options (type alias)
export type Options = {
readonly discard?: boolean | undefined
Added in v2.0.0
STM (namespace)
Added in v2.0.0
Variance (interface)
export interface Variance<out A, out E, out R> {
readonly [STMTypeId]: {
readonly _A: Covariant<A>
readonly _E: Covariant<E>
readonly _R: Covariant<R>
Added in v2.0.0
Sequentially zips this value with the specified one.
export declare const zip: {
<A1, E1, R1>(that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<[A, A1], E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): STM<[A, A1], E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Sequentially zips this value with the specified one, discarding the second element of the tuple.
export declare const zipLeft: {
<A1, E1, R1>(that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A, E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): STM<A, E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Sequentially zips this value with the specified one, discarding the first element of the tuple.
export declare const zipRight: {
<A1, E1, R1>(that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): <A, E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A1, E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: STM<A1, E1, R1>): STM<A1, E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0
Sequentially zips this value with the specified one, combining the values using the specified combiner function.
export declare const zipWith: {
<A1, E1, R1, A, A2>(
that: STM<A1, E1, R1>,
f: (a: A, b: A1) => A2
): <E, R>(self: STM<A, E, R>) => STM<A2, E1 | E, R1 | R>
<A, E, R, A1, E1, R1, A2>(self: STM<A, E, R>, that: STM<A1, E1, R1>, f: (a: A, b: A1) => A2): STM<A2, E | E1, R | R1>
Added in v2.0.0