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Sink overview

Added in v2.0.0

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A sink that collects all elements into a Chunk.


export declare const collectAll: <In>() => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that collects first n elements into a chunk.


export declare const collectAllN: <In>(n: number) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that collects all of its inputs into a map. The keys are extracted from inputs using the keying function key; if multiple inputs use the same key, they are merged using the merge function.


export declare const collectAllToMap: <In, K>(
  key: (input: In) => K,
  merge: (x: In, y: In) => In
) => Sink<HashMap.HashMap<K, In>, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that collects first n keys into a map. The keys are calculated from inputs using the keying function key; if multiple inputs use the the same key, they are merged using the merge function.


export declare const collectAllToMapN: <In, K>(
  n: number,
  key: (input: In) => K,
  merge: (x: In, y: In) => In
) => Sink<HashMap.HashMap<K, In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that collects all of its inputs into a set.


export declare const collectAllToSet: <In>() => Sink<HashSet.HashSet<In>, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that collects first n distinct inputs into a set.


export declare const collectAllToSetN: <In>(n: number) => Sink<HashSet.HashSet<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk until predicate p is satisfied.


export declare const collectAllUntil: <In>(p: Predicate<In>) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk until effectful predicate p is satisfied.


export declare const collectAllUntilEffect: <In, E, R>(
  p: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk as long as they verify predicate p.


export declare const collectAllWhile: {
  <In, Out extends In>(refinement: Refinement<In, Out>): Sink<Chunk.Chunk<Out>, In, In>
  <In>(predicate: Predicate<In>): Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk as long as they verify effectful predicate p.


export declare const collectAllWhileEffect: <In, E, R>(
  predicate: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Accesses the whole context of the sink.


export declare const context: <R>() => Sink<Context.Context<R>, unknown, never, never, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Accesses the context of the sink.


export declare const contextWith: <R, Z>(f: (context: Context.Context<R>) => Z) => Sink<Z, unknown, never, never, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Accesses the context of the sink in the context of an effect.


export declare const contextWithEffect: <R0, A, E, R>(
  f: (context: Context.Context<R0>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>
) => Sink<A, unknown, never, E, R0 | R>

Added in v2.0.0


Accesses the context of the sink in the context of a sink.


export declare const contextWithSink: <R0, A, In, L, E, R>(
  f: (context: Context.Context<R0>) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R0 | R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that counts the number of elements fed to it.


export declare const count: Sink<number, unknown, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink halting with the specified defect.


export declare const die: (defect: unknown) => Sink<never, unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink halting with the specified message, wrapped in a RuntimeException.


export declare const dieMessage: (message: string) => Sink<never, unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink halting with the specified defect.


export declare const dieSync: (evaluate: LazyArg<unknown>) => Sink<never, unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that ignores its inputs.


export declare const drain: Sink<void, unknown, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that drops n elements.


export declare const drop: <In>(n: number) => Sink<unknown, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Drops incoming elements until the predicate is satisfied.


export declare const dropUntil: <In>(predicate: Predicate<In>) => Sink<unknown, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Drops incoming elements until the effectful predicate is satisfied.


export declare const dropUntilEffect: <In, E, R>(
  predicate: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<unknown, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Drops incoming elements as long as the predicate is satisfied.


export declare const dropWhile: <In>(predicate: Predicate<In>) => Sink<unknown, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Drops incoming elements as long as the effectful predicate is satisfied.


export declare const dropWhileEffect: <In, E, R>(
  predicate: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<unknown, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that returns whether all elements satisfy the specified predicate.


export declare const every: <In>(predicate: Predicate<In>) => Sink<boolean, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that always fails with the specified error.


export declare const fail: <E>(e: E) => Sink<never, unknown, never, E>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink halting with a specified Cause.


export declare const failCause: <E>(cause: Cause.Cause<E>) => Sink<never, unknown, never, E>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink halting with a specified lazily evaluated Cause.


export declare const failCauseSync: <E>(evaluate: LazyArg<Cause.Cause<E>>) => Sink<never, unknown, never, E>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that always fails with the specified lazily evaluated error.


export declare const failSync: <E>(evaluate: LazyArg<E>) => Sink<never, unknown, never, E>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that folds its input chunks with the provided function, termination predicate and initial state. contFn condition is checked only for the initial value and at the end of processing of each chunk. f and contFn must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const foldChunks: <S, In>(
  s: S,
  contFn: Predicate<S>,
  f: (s: S, chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => S
) => Sink<S, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that effectfully folds its input chunks with the provided function, termination predicate and initial state. contFn condition is checked only for the initial value and at the end of processing of each chunk. f and contFn must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const foldChunksEffect: <S, In, E, R>(
  s: S,
  contFn: Predicate<S>,
  f: (s: S, chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => Effect.Effect<S, E, R>
) => Sink<S, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that effectfully folds its inputs with the provided function, termination predicate and initial state.


export declare const foldEffect: <S, In, E, R>(
  s: S,
  contFn: Predicate<S>,
  f: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<S, E, R>
) => Sink<S, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that folds its inputs with the provided function and initial state.


export declare const foldLeft: <S, In>(s: S, f: (s: S, input: In) => S) => Sink<S, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that folds its input chunks with the provided function and initial state. f must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const foldLeftChunks: <S, In>(s: S, f: (s: S, chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => S) => Sink<S, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that effectfully folds its input chunks with the provided function and initial state. f must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const foldLeftChunksEffect: <S, In, E, R>(
  s: S,
  f: (s: S, chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => Effect.Effect<S, E, R>
) => Sink<S, In, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that effectfully folds its inputs with the provided function and initial state.


export declare const foldLeftEffect: <S, In, E, R>(
  s: S,
  f: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<S, E, R>
) => Sink<S, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that folds elements of type In into a structure of type S until max elements have been folded.

Like Sink.foldWeighted, but with a constant cost function of 1.


export declare const foldUntil: <In, S>(s: S, max: number, f: (s: S, input: In) => S) => Sink<S, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that effectfully folds elements of type In into a structure of type S until max elements have been folded.

Like Sink.foldWeightedEffect but with a constant cost function of 1.


export declare const foldUntilEffect: <S, In, E, R>(
  s: S,
  max: number,
  f: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<S, E, R>
) => Sink<S, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that folds elements of type In into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.


export declare const foldWeighted: <S, In>(options: {
  readonly initial: S
  readonly maxCost: number
  readonly cost: (s: S, input: In) => number
  readonly body: (s: S, input: In) => S
}) => Sink<S, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that folds elements of type In into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

The decompose function will be used for decomposing elements that cause an S aggregate to cross max into smaller elements. For example:

  Stream.make(1, 5, 1),
      (n: number) => n,
      (n: number) => Chunk.make(n - 1, 1),
      (acc, el) => pipe(acc, Chunk.append(el))

The stream would emit the elements Chunk(1), Chunk(4), Chunk(1, 1).

Be vigilant with this function, it has to generate “simpler” values or the fold may never end. A value is considered indivisible if decompose yields the empty chunk or a single-valued chunk. In these cases, there is no other choice than to yield a value that will cross the threshold.

Sink.foldWeightedDecomposeEffect allows the decompose function to return an effect value, and consequently it allows the sink to fail.


export declare const foldWeightedDecompose: <S, In>(options: {
  readonly initial: S
  readonly maxCost: number
  readonly cost: (s: S, input: In) => number
  readonly decompose: (input: In) => Chunk.Chunk<In>
  readonly body: (s: S, input: In) => S
}) => Sink<S, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that effectfully folds elements of type In into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

The decompose function will be used for decomposing elements that cause an S aggregate to cross max into smaller elements. Be vigilant with this function, it has to generate “simpler” values or the fold may never end. A value is considered indivisible if decompose yields the empty chunk or a single-valued chunk. In these cases, there is no other choice than to yield a value that will cross the threshold.

See Sink.foldWeightedDecompose for an example.


export declare const foldWeightedDecomposeEffect: <S, In, E, R, E2, R2, E3, R3>(options: {
  readonly initial: S
  readonly maxCost: number
  readonly cost: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<number, E, R>
  readonly decompose: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<In>, E2, R2>
  readonly body: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<S, E3, R3>
}) => Sink<S, In, In, E | E2 | E3, R | R2 | R3>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that effectfully folds elements of type In into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.


export declare const foldWeightedEffect: <S, In, E, R, E2, R2>(options: {
  readonly initial: S
  readonly maxCost: number
  readonly cost: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<number, E, R>
  readonly body: (s: S, input: In) => Effect.Effect<S, E2, R2>
}) => Sink<S, In, In, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that executes the provided effectful function for every element fed to it.


export declare const forEach: <In, X, E, R>(f: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<X, E, R>) => Sink<void, In, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that executes the provided effectful function for every chunk fed to it.


export declare const forEachChunk: <In, X, E, R>(
  f: (input: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => Effect.Effect<X, E, R>
) => Sink<void, In, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that executes the provided effectful function for every chunk fed to it until f evaluates to false.


export declare const forEachChunkWhile: <In, E, R>(
  f: (input: Chunk.Chunk<In>) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<void, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that executes the provided effectful function for every element fed to it until f evaluates to false.


export declare const forEachWhile: <In, E, R>(
  f: (input: In) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E, R>
) => Sink<void, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink from a Channel.


export declare const fromChannel: <L, In, E, A, R>(
  channel: Channel.Channel<Chunk.Chunk<L>, Chunk.Chunk<In>, E, never, A, unknown, R>
) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a single-value sink produced from an effect.


export declare const fromEffect: <A, E, R>(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Sink<A, unknown, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Create a sink which publishes each element to the specified PubSub.


export declare const fromPubSub: <In>(
  pubsub: PubSub.PubSub<In>,
  options?: { readonly shutdown?: boolean | undefined }
) => Sink<void, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink from a chunk processing function.


export declare const fromPush: <In, L0, R0, L, R>(
  push: Effect.Effect<
    (_: Option.Option<Chunk.Chunk<In>>) => Effect.Effect<void, readonly [Either.Either<R0, L0>, Chunk.Chunk<L>], R>,
) => Sink<R0, In, L, L0, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>>

Added in v2.0.0


Create a sink which enqueues each element into the specified queue.


export declare const fromQueue: <In>(
  queue: Queue.Enqueue<In>,
  options?: { readonly shutdown?: boolean | undefined }
) => Sink<void, In>

Added in v2.0.0

Creates a sink containing the first value.


export declare const head: <In>() => Sink<Option.Option<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink containing the last value.


export declare const last: <In>() => Sink<Option.Option<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink that does not consume any input but provides the given chunk as its leftovers


export declare const leftover: <L>(chunk: Chunk.Chunk<L>) => Sink<void, unknown, L>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink which transforms it’s inputs into a string.


export declare const mkString: Sink<string, unknown, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink which never terminates.


export declare const never: Sink<never, unknown, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that returns whether an element satisfies the specified predicate.


export declare const some: <In>(predicate: Predicate<In>) => Sink<boolean, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that immediately ends with the specified value.


export declare const succeed: <A>(a: A) => Sink<A, unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that sums incoming numeric values.


export declare const sum: Sink<number, number, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


Returns a lazily constructed sink that may require effects for its creation.


export declare const suspend: <A, In, L, E, R>(evaluate: LazyArg<Sink<A, In, L, E, R>>) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that immediately ends with the specified lazy value.


export declare const sync: <A>(evaluate: LazyArg<A>) => Sink<A, unknown>

Added in v2.0.0


A sink that takes the specified number of values.


export declare const take: <In>(n: number) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<In>, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const timed: Sink<Duration.Duration, unknown, never, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a Channel from a Sink.


export declare const toChannel: <A, In, L, E, R>(
  self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
) => Channel.Channel<Chunk.Chunk<L>, Chunk.Chunk<In>, E, never, A, unknown, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink produced from an effect.


export declare const unwrap: <A, In, L, E2, R2, E, R>(
  effect: Effect.Effect<Sink<A, In, L, E2, R2>, E, R>
) => Sink<A, In, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>

Added in v2.0.0


Creates a sink produced from a scoped effect.


export declare const unwrapScoped: <A, In, L, E, R>(
  effect: Effect.Effect<Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, E, R>
) => Sink<A, In, L, E, Exclude<R, Scope.Scope>>

Added in v2.0.0


Constructs a Sink from a function which receives a Scope and returns an effect that will result in a Sink if successful.


export declare const unwrapScopedWith: <A, In, L, E, R>(
  f: (scope: Scope.Scope) => Effect.Effect<Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, E, R>
) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R>

Added in v3.11.0



Provides the sink with its required context, which eliminates its dependency on R.


export declare const provideContext: {
  <R>(context: Context.Context<R>): <A, In, L, E>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E, never>
  <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, context: Context.Context<R>): Sink<A, In, L, E, never>

Added in v2.0.0



Creates a sink that produces values until one verifies the predicate f.


export declare const findEffect: {
  <A, E2, R2>(
    f: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E2, R2>
  ): <In, L extends In, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<Option.Option<A>, In, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L extends In, E, R, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<Option.Option<A>, In, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0

error handling


Switch to another sink in case of failure


export declare const orElse: {
  <A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>(
    that: LazyArg<Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>>
  ): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2 | A, In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: LazyArg<Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>>
  ): Sink<A | A2, In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const refineOrDie: {
  <E, E2>(pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>): <A, In, L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, E2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>): Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>

Added in v2.0.0



export declare const refineOrDieWith: {
  <E, E2>(
    pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>,
    f: (error: E) => unknown
  ): <A, In, L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, E2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    pf: (error: E) => Option.Option<E2>,
    f: (error: E) => unknown
  ): Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>

Added in v2.0.0



Filters the sink’s input with the given predicate.


export declare const filterInput: {
  <In, In1 extends In, In2 extends In1>(
    f: Refinement<In1, In2>
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In2, L, E, R>
  <In, In1 extends In>(f: Predicate<In1>): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In1, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully filter the input of this sink using the specified predicate.


export declare const filterInputEffect: {
  <In, In1 extends In, E2, R2>(
    f: (input: In1) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E2, R2>
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In1, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In1 extends In, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (input: In1) => Effect.Effect<boolean, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<A, In1, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0



Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer. The finalizer is guaranteed to be executed so long as the sink begins execution (and regardless of whether or not it completes).


export declare const ensuring: {
  <X, R2>(
    finalizer: Effect.Effect<X, never, R2>
  ): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, X, R2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, finalizer: Effect.Effect<X, never, R2>): Sink<A, In, L, E, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer. The finalizer is guaranteed to be executed so long as the sink begins execution (and regardless of whether or not it completes).


export declare const ensuringWith: {
  <A, E, X, R2>(
    finalizer: (exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>) => Effect.Effect<X, never, R2>
  ): <In, L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, X, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    finalizer: (exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>) => Effect.Effect<X, never, R2>
  ): Sink<A, In, L, E, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0



A sink that folds its inputs with the provided function, termination predicate and initial state.


export declare const fold: <S, In>(s: S, contFn: Predicate<S>, f: (s: S, input: In) => S) => Sink<S, In, In>

Added in v2.0.0


Folds over the result of the sink


export declare const foldSink: {
  <E, A1, In, In1 extends In, L1, E1, R1, A, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(options: {
    readonly onFailure: (err: E) => Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
    readonly onSuccess: (a: A) => Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>
  }): <L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A1 | A2, In1 & In2, L1 | L2, E1 | E2, R1 | R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A1, In1 extends In, L1, E1, R1, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: {
      readonly onFailure: (err: E) => Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
      readonly onSuccess: (a: A) => Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<A1 | A2, In1 & In2, L1 | L2, E1 | E2, R | R1 | R2>

Added in v2.0.0



Replaces this sink’s result with the provided value.


export declare const as: {
  <A2>(a: A2): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, a: A2): Sink<A2, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms both inputs and result of this sink using the provided functions.


export declare const dimap: {
  <In0, In, A, A2>(options: {
    readonly onInput: (input: In0) => In
    readonly onDone: (a: A) => A2
  }): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In0, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, A2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: { readonly onInput: (input: In0) => In; readonly onDone: (a: A) => A2 }
  ): Sink<A2, In0, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms both input chunks and result of this sink using the provided functions.


export declare const dimapChunks: {
  <In0, In, A, A2>(options: {
    readonly onInput: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Chunk.Chunk<In>
    readonly onDone: (a: A) => A2
  }): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In0, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, A2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: { readonly onInput: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Chunk.Chunk<In>; readonly onDone: (a: A) => A2 }
  ): Sink<A2, In0, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully transforms both input chunks and result of this sink using the provided functions. f and g must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const dimapChunksEffect: {
  <In0, In, E2, R2, A, A2, E3, R3>(options: {
    readonly onInput: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<In>, E2, R2>
    readonly onDone: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E3, R3>
  }): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In0, L, E2 | E3 | E, R2 | R3 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, E2, R2, A2, E3, R3>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: {
      readonly onInput: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<In>, E2, R2>
      readonly onDone: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E3, R3>
  ): Sink<A2, In0, L, E | E2 | E3, R | R2 | R3>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully transforms both inputs and result of this sink using the provided functions.


export declare const dimapEffect: {
  <In0, In, E2, R2, A, A2, E3, R3>(options: {
    readonly onInput: (input: In0) => Effect.Effect<In, E2, R2>
    readonly onDone: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E3, R3>
  }): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In0, L, E2 | E3 | E, R2 | R3 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, E2, R2, A2, E3, R3>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: {
      readonly onInput: (input: In0) => Effect.Effect<In, E2, R2>
      readonly onDone: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E3, R3>
  ): Sink<A2, In0, L, E | E2 | E3, R | R2 | R3>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms this sink’s result.


export declare const map: {
  <A, A2>(f: (a: A) => A2): <In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, f: (a: A) => A2): Sink<A2, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully transforms this sink’s result.


export declare const mapEffect: {
  <A, A2, E2, R2>(
    f: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E2, R2>
  ): <In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<A2, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<A2, In, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms the errors emitted by this sink using f.


export declare const mapError: {
  <E, E2>(f: (error: E) => E2): <A, In, L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, E2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, f: (error: E) => E2): Sink<A, In, L, E2, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms this sink’s input elements.


export declare const mapInput: {
  <In0, In>(f: (input: In0) => In): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In0, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, f: (input: In0) => In): Sink<A, In0, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms this sink’s input chunks. f must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const mapInputChunks: {
  <In0, In>(
    f: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Chunk.Chunk<In>
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In0, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Chunk.Chunk<In>
  ): Sink<A, In0, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully transforms this sink’s input chunks. f must preserve chunking-invariance.


export declare const mapInputChunksEffect: {
  <In0, In, E2, R2>(
    f: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<In>, E2, R2>
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In0, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (chunk: Chunk.Chunk<In0>) => Effect.Effect<Chunk.Chunk<In>, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<A, In0, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Effectfully transforms this sink’s input elements.


export declare const mapInputEffect: {
  <In0, In, E2, R2>(
    f: (input: In0) => Effect.Effect<In, E2, R2>
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In0, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, In0, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (input: In0) => Effect.Effect<In, E2, R2>
  ): Sink<A, In0, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Transforms the leftovers emitted by this sink using f.


export declare const mapLeftover: {
  <L, L2>(f: (leftover: L) => L2): <A, In, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, L2, E, R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, L2>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, f: (leftover: L) => L2): Sink<A, In, L2, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Sink (interface)

A Sink<A, In, L, E, R> is used to consume elements produced by a Stream. You can think of a sink as a function that will consume a variable amount of In elements (could be 0, 1, or many), might fail with an error of type E, and will eventually yield a value of type A together with a remainder of type L (i.e. any leftovers).


export interface Sink<out A, in In = unknown, out L = never, out E = never, out R = never>
  extends Sink.Variance<A, In, L, E, R>,
    Pipeable {}

Added in v2.0.0

SinkUnify (interface)


export interface SinkUnify<A extends { [Unify.typeSymbol]?: any }> extends Effect.EffectUnify<A> {
  Sink?: () => A[Unify.typeSymbol] extends Sink<infer A, infer In, infer L, infer E, infer R> | infer _
    ? Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
    : never

Added in v2.0.0

SinkUnifyIgnore (interface)


export interface SinkUnifyIgnore extends Effect.EffectUnifyIgnore {
  Sink?: true

Added in v2.0.0



Runs this sink until it yields a result, then uses that result to create another sink from the provided function which will continue to run until it yields a result.

This function essentially runs sinks in sequence.


export declare const flatMap: {
  <A, A1, In, In1 extends In, L1, E1, R1>(
    f: (a: A) => Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
  ): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A1, In & In1, L1 | L, E1 | E, R1 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A1, In1 extends In, L1, E1, R1>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    f: (a: A) => Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
  ): Sink<A1, In & In1, L | L1, E | E1, R | R1>

Added in v2.0.0




export declare const SinkTypeId: typeof SinkTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

SinkTypeId (type alias)


export type SinkTypeId = typeof SinkTypeId

Added in v2.0.0


Sink (namespace)

Added in v2.0.0

Variance (interface)


export interface Variance<out A, in In, out L, out E, out R> {
  readonly [SinkTypeId]: VarianceStruct<A, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0

VarianceStruct (interface)


export interface VarianceStruct<out A, in In, out L, out E, out R> {
  _A: Types.Covariant<A>
  _In: Types.Contravariant<In>
  _L: Types.Covariant<L>
  _E: Types.Covariant<E>
  _R: Types.Covariant<R>

Added in v2.0.0


Repeatedly runs the sink and accumulates its results into a Chunk.


export declare const collectAllFrom: <A, In, L extends In, E, R>(
  self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
) => Sink<Chunk.Chunk<A>, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Repeatedly runs the sink for as long as its results satisfy the predicate p. The sink’s results will be accumulated using the stepping function f.


export declare const collectAllWhileWith: {
  <A, S>(options: {
    readonly initial: S
    readonly while: Predicate<A>
    readonly body: (s: S, a: A) => S
  }): <In, L extends In, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<S, In, L, E, R>
  <A, In, L extends In, E, R, S>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: { readonly initial: S; readonly while: Predicate<A>; readonly body: (s: S, a: A) => S }
  ): Sink<S, In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Collects the leftovers from the stream when the sink succeeds and returns them as part of the sink’s result.


export declare const collectLeftover: <A, In, L, E, R>(
  self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
) => Sink<[A, Chunk.Chunk<L>], In, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Drains the remaining elements from the stream after the sink finishes


export declare const ignoreLeftover: <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, never, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, , returning the result or the error from the one that finishes first.


export declare const race: {
  <R1, E1, In1, L1, A1>(
    that: Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
  ): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A1 | A, In & In1, L1 | L, E1 | E, R1 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>
  ): Sink<A | A1, In & In1, L | L1, E | E1, R | R1>

Added in v2.0.0


Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, returning the result or the error from the one that finishes first.


export declare const raceBoth: {
  <A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>(
    that: Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>,
    options?: { readonly capacity?: number | undefined } | undefined
  ): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<Either.Either<A1, A>, In & In1, L1 | L, E1 | E, R1 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A1, In1, L1, E1, R1>,
    options?: { readonly capacity?: number | undefined } | undefined
  ): Sink<Either.Either<A1, A>, In & In1, L | L1, E | E1, R | R1>

Added in v2.0.0


Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, using the specified merge function as soon as one result or the other has been computed.


export declare const raceWith: {
  <A2, In2, L2, E2, R2, A, E, A3, A4>(options: {
    readonly other: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>
    readonly onSelfDone: (exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>) => MergeDecision.MergeDecision<R2, E2, A2, E2 | E, A3>
    readonly onOtherDone: (exit: Exit.Exit<A2, E2>) => MergeDecision.MergeDecision<R2, E, A, E2 | E, A4>
    readonly capacity?: number | undefined
  }): <In, L, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A3 | A4, In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2, L2, E2, R2, A3, A4>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    options: {
      readonly other: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>
      readonly onSelfDone: (exit: Exit.Exit<A, E>) => MergeDecision.MergeDecision<R2, E2, A2, E | E2, A3>
      readonly onOtherDone: (exit: Exit.Exit<A2, E2>) => MergeDecision.MergeDecision<R2, E, A, E | E2, A4>
      readonly capacity?: number | undefined
  ): Sink<A3 | A4, In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Splits the sink on the specified predicate, returning a new sink that consumes elements until an element after the first satisfies the specified predicate.


export declare const splitWhere: {
  <In>(f: Predicate<In>): <A, L extends In, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In, In, E, R>
  <A, In, L extends In, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>, f: Predicate<In>): Sink<A, In, In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Summarize a sink by running an effect when the sink starts and again when it completes.


export declare const summarized: {
  <A2, E2, R2, A3>(
    summary: Effect.Effect<A2, E2, R2>,
    f: (start: A2, end: A2) => A3
  ): <A, In, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<[A, A3], In, L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, E2, R2, A3>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    summary: Effect.Effect<A2, E2, R2>,
    f: (start: A2, end: A2) => A3
  ): Sink<[A, A3], In, L, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Returns the sink that executes this one and times its execution.


export declare const withDuration: <A, In, L, E, R>(
  self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>
) => Sink<[A, Duration.Duration], In, L, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0



Feeds inputs to this sink until it yields a result, then switches over to the provided sink until it yields a result, finally combining the two results into a tuple.


export declare const zip: {
  <A2, In, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<[A, A2], In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): Sink<[A, A2], In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Like but keeps only the result from this sink.


export declare const zipLeft: {
  <A2, In, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A, In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): Sink<A, In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Like but keeps only the result from that sink.


export declare const zipRight: {
  <A2, In, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): <A, L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A2, In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): Sink<A2, In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


Feeds inputs to this sink until it yields a result, then switches over to the provided sink until it yields a result, finally combining the two results with f.


export declare const zipWith: {
  <A2, In, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2, A, A3>(
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    f: (a: A, a2: A2) => A3,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): <L, E, R>(self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>) => Sink<A3, In & In2, L2 | L, E2 | E, R2 | R>
  <A, In, L, E, R, A2, In2 extends In, L2, E2, R2, A3>(
    self: Sink<A, In, L, E, R>,
    that: Sink<A2, In2, L2, E2, R2>,
    f: (a: A, a2: A2) => A3,
    options?: { readonly concurrent?: boolean | undefined } | undefined
  ): Sink<A3, In & In2, L | L2, E | E2, R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0