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MetricPolling overview

Added in v2.0.0

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Collects all of the polling metrics into a single polling metric, which polls for, updates, and produces the outputs of all individual metrics.


export declare const collectAll: <R, E, Out>(
  iterable: Iterable<MetricPolling<any, any, R, E, Out>>
) => MetricPolling<any[], any[], R, E, Out[]>

Added in v2.0.0


Constructs a new polling metric from a metric and poll effect.


export declare const make: <Type, In, Out, R, E>(
  metric: Metric.Metric<Type, In, Out>,
  poll: Effect.Effect<In, E, R>
) => MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>

Added in v2.0.0


Returns a new polling metric whose poll function will be retried with the specified retry policy.


export declare const retry: {
  <X, E, R2>(
    policy: Schedule.Schedule<X, E, R2>
  ): <Type, In, R, Out>(self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>) => MetricPolling<Type, In, R2 | R, E, Out>
  <Type, In, R, E, Out, X, R2>(
    self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>,
    policy: Schedule.Schedule<X, E, R2>
  ): MetricPolling<Type, In, R | R2, E, Out>

Added in v2.0.0


MetricPolling (interface)

A MetricPolling is a combination of a metric and an effect that polls for updates to the metric.


export interface MetricPolling<in out Type, in out In, out R, out E, out Out> extends Pipeable {
  readonly [MetricPollingTypeId]: MetricPollingTypeId
   * The metric that this `MetricPolling` polls to update.
  readonly metric: Metric.Metric<Type, In, Out>
   * An effect that polls a value that may be fed to the metric.
  readonly poll: Effect.Effect<In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0




export declare const MetricPollingTypeId: typeof MetricPollingTypeId

Added in v2.0.0

MetricPollingTypeId (type alias)


export type MetricPollingTypeId = typeof MetricPollingTypeId

Added in v2.0.0



Returns an effect that will launch the polling metric in a background fiber, using the specified schedule.


export declare const launch: {
  <A2, R2>(
    schedule: Schedule.Schedule<A2, unknown, R2>
  ): <Type, In, R, E, Out>(
    self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>
  ) => Effect.Effect<Fiber.Fiber<A2, E>, never, Scope.Scope | R2 | R>
  <Type, In, R, E, Out, A2, R2>(
    self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>,
    schedule: Schedule.Schedule<A2, unknown, R2>
  ): Effect.Effect<Fiber.Fiber<A2, E>, never, Scope.Scope | R | R2>

Added in v2.0.0


An effect that polls a value that may be fed to the metric.


export declare const poll: <Type, In, R, E, Out>(self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>) => Effect.Effect<In, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


An effect that polls for a value and uses the value to update the metric.


export declare const pollAndUpdate: <Type, In, R, E, Out>(
  self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>
) => Effect.Effect<void, E, R>

Added in v2.0.0


Zips this polling metric with the specified polling metric.


export declare const zip: {
  <Type2, In2, R2, E2, Out2>(
    that: MetricPolling<Type2, In2, R2, E2, Out2>
  ): <Type, In, R, E, Out>(
    self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>
  ) => MetricPolling<readonly [Type, Type2], readonly [In, In2], R2 | R, E2 | E, [Out, Out2]>
  <Type, In, R, E, Out, Type2, In2, R2, E2, Out2>(
    self: MetricPolling<Type, In, R, E, Out>,
    that: MetricPolling<Type2, In2, R2, E2, Out2>
  ): MetricPolling<readonly [Type, Type2], readonly [In, In2], R | R2, E | E2, [Out, Out2]>

Added in v2.0.0