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Mailbox overview

Added in v3.8.0

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Run an Effect into a Mailbox, where success ends the mailbox and failure fails the mailbox.


export declare const into: {
  <A, E>(self: Mailbox<A, E>): <AX, EX extends E, RX>(effect: Effect<AX, EX, RX>) => Effect<boolean, never, RX>
  <AX, E, EX extends E, RX, A>(effect: Effect<AX, EX, RX>, self: Mailbox<A, E>): Effect<boolean, never, RX>

Added in v3.8.0



A Mailbox is a queue that can be signaled to be done or failed.


export declare const make: <A, E = never>(
  capacity?: number | { readonly capacity?: number; readonly strategy?: "suspend" | "dropping" | "sliding" } | undefined
) => Effect<Mailbox<A, E>>


import { Effect, Mailbox } from "effect"

Effect.gen(function* () {
  const mailbox = yield* Mailbox.make<number, string>()

  // add messages to the mailbox
  yield* mailbox.offer(1)
  yield* mailbox.offer(2)
  yield* mailbox.offerAll([3, 4, 5])

  // take messages from the mailbox
  const [messages, done] = yield* mailbox.takeAll
  assert.deepStrictEqual(messages, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  assert.strictEqual(done, false)

  // signal that the mailbox is done
  yield* mailbox.end
  const [messages2, done2] = yield* mailbox.takeAll
  assert.deepStrictEqual(messages2, [])
  assert.strictEqual(done2, true)

  // signal that the mailbox has failed

Added in v3.8.0



Create a ReadonlyMailbox from a Stream.


export declare const fromStream: {
  (options?: {
    readonly capacity?: number | undefined
    readonly strategy?: "suspend" | "dropping" | "sliding" | undefined
  }): <A, E, R>(self: Stream<A, E, R>) => Effect<ReadonlyMailbox<A, E>, never, R | Scope>
  <A, E, R>(
    self: Stream<A, E, R>,
    options?: {
      readonly capacity?: number | undefined
      readonly strategy?: "suspend" | "dropping" | "sliding" | undefined
  ): Effect<ReadonlyMailbox<A, E>, never, R | Scope>

Added in v3.11.0


Create a Channel from a Mailbox.


export declare const toChannel: <A, E>(self: ReadonlyMailbox<A, E>) => Channel<Chunk<A>, unknown, E>

Added in v3.8.0


Create a Stream from a Mailbox.


export declare const toStream: <A, E>(self: ReadonlyMailbox<A, E>) => Stream<A, E>

Added in v3.8.0




export declare const isMailbox: <A = unknown, E = unknown>(u: unknown) => u is Mailbox<A, E>

Added in v3.8.0



export declare const isReadonlyMailbox: <A = unknown, E = unknown>(u: unknown) => u is ReadonlyMailbox<A, E>

Added in v3.8.0


Mailbox (interface)

A Mailbox is a queue that can be signaled to be done or failed.


export interface Mailbox<in out A, in out E = never> extends ReadonlyMailbox<A, E> {
  readonly [TypeId]: TypeId
   * Add a message to the mailbox. Returns `false` if the mailbox is done.
  readonly offer: (message: A) => Effect<boolean>
   * Add a message to the mailbox. Returns `false` if the mailbox is done.
  readonly unsafeOffer: (message: A) => boolean
   * Add multiple messages to the mailbox. Returns the remaining messages that
   * were not added.
  readonly offerAll: (messages: Iterable<A>) => Effect<Chunk<A>>
   * Add multiple messages to the mailbox. Returns the remaining messages that
   * were not added.
  readonly unsafeOfferAll: (messages: Iterable<A>) => Chunk<A>
   * Fail the mailbox with an error. If the mailbox is already done, `false` is
   * returned.
  readonly fail: (error: E) => Effect<boolean>
   * Fail the mailbox with a cause. If the mailbox is already done, `false` is
   * returned.
  readonly failCause: (cause: Cause<E>) => Effect<boolean>
   * Signal that the mailbox is complete. If the mailbox is already done, `false` is
   * returned.
  readonly end: Effect<boolean>
   * Signal that the mailbox is done. If the mailbox is already done, `false` is
   * returned.
  readonly done: (exit: Exit<void, E>) => Effect<boolean>
   * Signal that the mailbox is done. If the mailbox is already done, `false` is
   * returned.
  readonly unsafeDone: (exit: Exit<void, E>) => boolean
   * Shutdown the mailbox, canceling any pending operations.
   * If the mailbox is already done, `false` is returned.
  readonly shutdown: Effect<boolean>

Added in v3.8.0

ReadonlyMailbox (interface)

A ReadonlyMailbox represents a mailbox that can only be read from.


export interface ReadonlyMailbox<out A, out E = never>
  extends Effect<readonly [messages: Chunk<A>, done: boolean], E>,
    Inspectable {
  readonly [ReadonlyTypeId]: ReadonlyTypeId
   * Take all messages from the mailbox, returning an empty Chunk if the mailbox
   * is empty or done.
  readonly clear: Effect<Chunk<A>, E>
   * Take all messages from the mailbox, or wait for messages to be available.
   * If the mailbox is done, the `done` flag will be `true`. If the mailbox
   * fails, the Effect will fail with the error.
  readonly takeAll: Effect<readonly [messages: Chunk<A>, done: boolean], E>
   * Take a specified number of messages from the mailbox. It will only take
   * up to the capacity of the mailbox.
   * If the mailbox is done, the `done` flag will be `true`. If the mailbox
   * fails, the Effect will fail with the error.
  readonly takeN: (n: number) => Effect<readonly [messages: Chunk<A>, done: boolean], E>
   * Take a single message from the mailbox, or wait for a message to be
   * available.
   * If the mailbox is done, it will fail with `NoSuchElementException`. If the
   * mailbox fails, the Effect will fail with the error.
  readonly take: Effect<A, E | NoSuchElementException>
  /** Wait for the mailbox to be done. */
  readonly await: Effect<void, E>
   * Check the size of the mailbox.
   * If the mailbox is complete, it will return `None`.
  readonly size: Effect<Option<number>>
   * Check the size of the mailbox.
   * If the mailbox is complete, it will return `None`.
  readonly unsafeSize: () => Option<number>

Added in v3.8.0

type ids



export declare const ReadonlyTypeId: typeof ReadonlyTypeId

Added in v3.8.0

ReadonlyTypeId (type alias)


export type ReadonlyTypeId = typeof ReadonlyTypeId

Added in v3.8.0



export declare const TypeId: typeof TypeId

Added in v3.8.0

TypeId (type alias)


export type TypeId = typeof TypeId

Added in v3.8.0