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ManagedRuntime overview

Added in v2.0.0

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ManagedRuntime (interface)


export interface ManagedRuntime<in R, out ER> extends Pipeable {
  readonly memoMap: Layer.MemoMap
  readonly runtimeEffect: Effect.Effect<Runtime.Runtime<R>, ER>
  readonly runtime: () => Promise<Runtime.Runtime<R>>

   * Executes the effect using the provided Scheduler or using the global
   * Scheduler if not provided
  readonly runFork: <A, E>(
    self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>,
    options?: Runtime.RunForkOptions
  ) => Fiber.RuntimeFiber<A, E | ER>

   * Executes the effect synchronously returning the exit.
   * This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your
   * program.
  readonly runSyncExit: <A, E>(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Exit.Exit<A, ER | E>

   * Executes the effect synchronously throwing in case of errors or async boundaries.
   * This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your
   * program.
  readonly runSync: <A, E>(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => A

   * Executes the effect asynchronously, eventually passing the exit value to
   * the specified callback.
   * This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your
   * program.
  readonly runCallback: <A, E>(
    effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>,
    options?: Runtime.RunCallbackOptions<A, E | ER> | undefined
  ) => Runtime.Cancel<A, E | ER>

   * Runs the `Effect`, returning a JavaScript `Promise` that will be resolved
   * with the value of the effect once the effect has been executed, or will be
   * rejected with the first error or exception throw by the effect.
   * This method is effectful and should only be used at the edges of your
   * program.
  readonly runPromise: <A, E>(
    effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>,
    options?: {
      readonly signal?: AbortSignal | undefined
  ) => Promise<A>

   * Runs the `Effect`, returning a JavaScript `Promise` that will be resolved
   * with the `Exit` state of the effect once the effect has been executed.
   * This method is effectful and should only be used at the edges of your
   * program.
  readonly runPromiseExit: <A, E>(
    effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>,
    options?: {
      readonly signal?: AbortSignal | undefined
  ) => Promise<Exit.Exit<A, ER | E>>

   * Dispose of the resources associated with the runtime.
  readonly dispose: () => Promise<void>

   * Dispose of the resources associated with the runtime.
  readonly disposeEffect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>

Added in v2.0.0

runtime class


Convert a Layer into an ManagedRuntime, that can be used to run Effect’s using your services.


export declare const make: <R, E>(
  layer: Layer.Layer<R, E, never>,
  memoMap?: Layer.MemoMap | undefined
) => ManagedRuntime<R, E>


import { Console, Effect, Layer, ManagedRuntime } from "effect"

class Notifications extends Effect.Tag("Notifications")<
  { readonly notify: (message: string) => Effect.Effect<void> }
>() {
  static Live = Layer.succeed(this, { notify: (message) => Console.log(message) })

async function main() {
  const runtime = ManagedRuntime.make(Notifications.Live)
  await runtime.runPromise(Notifications.notify("Hello, world!"))
  await runtime.dispose()


Added in v2.0.0


ManagedRuntime (namespace)

Added in v3.4.0

Context (type alias)


export type Context<T extends ManagedRuntime<any, any>> = [T] extends [ManagedRuntime<infer R, infer _E>] ? R : never

Added in v3.4.0

Error (type alias)


export type Error<T extends ManagedRuntime<any, any>> = [T] extends [ManagedRuntime<infer _R, infer E>] ? E : never

Added in v3.4.0