Effect Monorepo
An ecosystem of tools to build robust applications in TypeScript
Welcome to Effect, a powerful TypeScript framework that provides a fully-fledged functional effect system with a rich standard library.
Effect consists of several packages that work together to help build robust TypeScript applications. The core package, effect
, serves as the foundation of the framework, offering primitives for managing side effects, ensuring type safety, and supporting concurrency.
Monorepo Structure
The Effect monorepo is organized into multiple packages, each extending the core functionality. Below is an overview of the packages included:
Package | Description | |
effect | Core package | README |
@effect/ai | AI utilities | README |
@effect/ai-openai | OpenAI utilities | README |
@effect/cli | CLI utilities | README |
@effect/cluster | Distributed computing tools | README |
@effect/cluster-browser | Cluster utilities for the browser | README |
@effect/cluster-node | Cluster utilities for Node.js | README |
@effect/cluster-workflow | Workflow management for clusters | README |
@effect/experimental | Experimental features and APIs | README |
@effect/opentelemetry | OpenTelemetry integration | README |
@effect/platform | Cross-platform runtime utilities | README |
@effect/platform-browser | Platform utilities for the browser | README |
@effect/platform-bun | Platform utilities for Bun | README |
@effect/platform-node | Platform utilities for Node.js | README |
@effect/platform-node-shared | Shared utilities for Node.js | README |
@effect/printer | General-purpose printing utilities | README |
@effect/printer-ansi | ANSI-compatible printing utilities | README |
@effect/rpc | Remote procedure call (RPC) utilities | README |
@effect/rpc-http | HTTP-based RPC utilities | README |
@effect/sql | SQL database utilities | README |
@effect/sql-clickhouse | An @effect/sql implementation for ClickHouse. | README |
@effect/sql-d1 | An @effect/sql implementation for Cloudflare D1. | README |
@effect/sql-drizzle | An @effect/sql implementation for Drizzle. | README |
@effect/sql-kysely | An @effect/sql implementation for Kysely. | README |
@effect/sql-libsql | An @effect/sql implementation using the @libsql/client library. | README |
@effect/sql-mssql | An @effect/sql implementation using the mssql tedious library. | README |
@effect/sql-mysql2 | An @effect/sql implementation using the mysql2 library. | README |
@effect/sql-pg | An @effect/sql implementation using the postgres.js library. | README |
@effect/sql-sqlite-bun | An @effect/sql implementation using the bun:sqlite library. | README |
@effect/sql-sqlite-do | An @effect/sql implementation for Cloudflare Durable Objects sqlite storage. | README |
@effect/sql-sqlite-node | An @effect/sql implementation using the better-sqlite3 library. | README |
@effect/sql-sqlite-react-native | An @effect/sql implementation using the react-native-quick-sqlite library. | README |
@effect/sql-sqlite-wasm | An @effect/sql implementation using the @sqlite.org/sqlite-wasm library. | README |
@effect/typeclass | Functional programming type classes | README |
@effect/vitest | Testing utilities for Vitest | README |
For detailed information and usage examples, visit the Effect website.
API Reference
For a complete API reference of the core package effect
, see the Effect API documentation.
Introduction to Effect
Get started with Effect by watching our introductory video on YouTube. This video provides an overview of Effect and its key features:
Connect with Our Community
Join the Effect community on Discord to connect with other developers, ask questions, and share insights: Join Effect’s Discord Community.